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Admin Room Prison Dice


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I can't believe I'm actually making a Q_Q thread for jailbreak but... here goes.


!pd Admin Room... just get it out of here.


It's absolutely stupid that a T can sit in the room and snipe off 6-7 CTs before the team realizes "hey there's a fucker we can't hit over behind big cage, let's not go near him. There's no incentive or force to leave the admin room, so most T's just sit there until all the CT's are dead or he gets LR because the CT's more or less can't kill him... ever...


But here's the BIGGEST problem. Having a T in admin room limits the game options to a select few. If you order the T's to/on big cage, to s4s, to knife arena, or ANYWHERE past deagle cage, at some point they coordinate a rebellion where the T in admin room opens the door and everyone is allowed in. In other words, !pding admin room is an automatic win unless the CTs are aware of it early and completely avoid going anywhere near the race stalls. Instead, they're FORCED to play games like Obstacle, Hurdles, and Soccer... things that aren't very fun for a lot of people lesbihonest.


Yes I get that it's a very rare prison dice. Still, there is not a single other prison dice reward that has NEARLY that large of an impact on the round (though invisibility is an equally annoying second). I'd love this reward to just be removed for how game-breakingly stupid it is. Might as well draw !pd that slays all the CTs (there is one isn't there?...). If not removing it, at least have it TP the terrorist to knife arena vents or obstacle tower after ~15 seconds.


The Best AKA Kimzy's Man AKA Taylor's Man AKA No. 1 Asian AKA Greatness Sex Ever


AKA Lazarus

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So here is what you do. Force all the other T's into soccer, make them play soccer until the end of the round to punish for the one guy who got admin room.


He will get bored, and come after you guys in soccer. (Make it very clear you are going to soccer). Get him killed, return to your normal jailbrekaing day.

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So here is what you do. Force all the other T's into soccer, make them play soccer until the end of the round to punish for the one guy who got admin room.


He will get bored, and come after you guys in soccer. (Make it very clear you are going to soccer). Get him killed, return to your normal jailbrekaing day.


Soccer is for fat Americans, I believe you mean Futbol.

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T's rarely get admin room as is, there are ways to get them out of there as knives already said.


CTs have always been stupid. Ts have always had an advantage. And yet the server has been fine, been populated, and been fun for MANY YEARS before I even found HG. Ain't broke... why fix?


and /thread.

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Not sure about how I feel removing it over one complaint. I'd be willing to have it teleport them out at 5:00 though, depending on other feedback. Last time I checked btw I think it was eithe half a percent or 4 percent chance of getti it

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and /thread.


Except I was addressing in that quote a change to something that has been long-standing and has worked. This is something new that I see as a negative change to what was already there.


Not sure about how I feel removing it over one complaint. I'd be willing to have it teleport them out at 5:00 though, depending on other feedback. Last time I checked btw I think it was eithe half a percent or 4 percent chance of getti it


Moving them out at 5 would be fine honestly. Allows them to get a few kills off then pulls them to somewhere remote like Obs tower or KA vents so they can collect themselves and attack from a new position. I'd say that's a far better alternative to letting someone sit in a box for 5 minutes waiting to get LR.

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And on the flip side, the percentages for dice



  • Electric Chair - 9.1%
  • Rebel - 11%

Total - 20.1%



  • Admin room - 0.4%
  • Flashbang - 10.5%
  • Smoke - 10%
  • First Cell - 4%
  • Bomb - 11%
  • Rep - 15%
  • Instant Kill Knife - 5%

Total - 55.9%


On the fence

  • Invisible - 4%
  • Do nothing - 20%

Total - 24%




1/5 * (1/100 * (1/0.4)), so every round the probability of someone winning every round admin room is about 1/200 or 0.5%


Not really sure whats wrong with this perk?

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I can't believe I'm actually making a Q_Q thread for jailbreak but... here goes.


!pd Admin Room... just get it out of here.



Why not just remove electric chair from !pd as well, oh and first cell and red and invisible, and super knife and smoke and flash and 3 rep and winning nothing. People rarely get admin room and im sure we will all live the 1 round you have to deal with someone in there.


They invented something called the T Box. send them there and get to !lr

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keep it. so what every once in a while a player gets into admin room whoop de doo so fucking what? Its fucking jailbreak players rebel and thats what makes it fun if you get killed while trying to lead then dont come to the forums crying about a T getting admin room on ur day. it happens all the time now go have fun and stop crying about it. oh ya and dont come onto the forums and start being a dick when were trying to give you suggestions like go to soccer your a fucking veteran start acting like one especially to your fellow hg members.


Lineoleum Knive and I have been friends since you were breastfeeding. He knows when I'm being serious and I know when he isn't. Don't pretend to know everything, because frankly it's upsetting when you make grandstanding posts like this, especially when you're completely wrong.


Adminroom prison dice is very infrequent. Perhaps... but it's also completely game changing when it happens. You might as well change it to a reward that superslays all the CTs after 15 seconds, because either way the round has been decided at the 2nd second in the game. It's the difference between the CTs hilariously dying in 15 seconds and the round lasting 6 minutes with the CTs having literally no way of winning. A prison dice reward shouldn't be deciding the ENTIRE next 6 minutes for everyone in the server (unless of course the person who gets the reward is literally retarded).


Enigma will understand this analogy. Adminroom is post-remake, pre-nerf Shen. Yes he was banned EVERY SINGLE ranked game you joined. Still there was that one in a million game where he wasn't banned and your team got him. Did it happen often? Hell no... happened to me maybe twice out of a month of playing. Was it an automatic win and much less fun for all 10 players involved? Yes. ONE thing which is meant to be a reward for an individual player should not decide an entire round no matter how frequent.

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And on the flip side, the percentages for dice



  • Electric Chair - 9.1%
  • Rebel - 11%

Total - 20.1%



  • Admin room - 0.4%
  • Flashbang - 10.5%
  • Smoke - 10%
  • First Cell - 4%
  • Bomb - 11%
  • Rep - 15%
  • Instant Kill Knife - 5%

Total - 55.9%


On the fence

  • Invisible - 4%
  • Do nothing - 20%

Total - 24%



1/5 * (1/100 * (1/0.4)), so every round the probability of someone winning every round admin room is about 1/200 or 0.5%


Not really sure whats wrong with this perk?


I agree with Enigma, i really don't see a problem with this. I think your just upset that your day as lead got ruined. 0.4% chance of rolling admin room....I mean come on..... Yeah it might ruin one out of 200 days for lead, so what....Makes it that much more fun for T's. I'm sure you would enjoy it if you were the T in admin room.

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I agree with Enigma, i really don't see a problem with this. I think your just upset that your day as lead got ruined. 0.4% chance of rolling admin room....I mean come on..... Yeah it might ruin one out of 200 days for lead, so what....Makes it that much more fun for T's. I'm sure you would enjoy it if you were the T in admin room.



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