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Music on Wardays

herpa derpa

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Tbh I am very happy with Silent Wardays. Reason why is that there are always 20 fucking herpa derpas who want to play their shitty music at the same time and no one is willing to turn it off (or an admin just mutes) because they all their E-peens are too big. There has to be some way to figure out music during wardays, or just make wardays silent. It is retarded at how many people want to play their shitty HLDJ during wardays..

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when it pertains to music, it can only be played on a warday, LR, lastCT, or a related jailbreak day designated by lead. Only ONE person can play it at a time, (whoever was first) other people need to shut up or be muted. If ANYONE asks for the music to be off, it must be turned off, if it isnt an admin should mute them.

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Tbh I am very happy with Silent Wardays. Reason why is that there are always 20 fucking herpa derpas who want to play their shitty music at the same time and no one is willing to turn it off (or an admin just mutes) because they all their E-peens are too big. There has to be some way to figure out music during wardays, or just make wardays silent. It is retarded at how many people want to play their shitty HLDJ during wardays..


You seem angry. Very angry. I'm not sure if I will like you when your angry

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Tbh I am very happy with Silent Wardays. Reason why is that there are always 20 fucking herpa derpas who want to play their shitty music at the same time and no one is willing to turn it off (or an admin just mutes) because they all their E-peens are too big. There has to be some way to figure out music during wardays, or just make wardays silent. It is retarded at how many people want to play their shitty HLDJ during wardays..




In all seriousness, all you gotta do is tell them to be quiet. Problem Solved!

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when it pertains to music, it can only be played on a warday, LR, lastCT, or a related jailbreak day designated by lead. Only ONE person can play it at a time, (whoever was first) other people need to shut up or be muted. If ANYONE asks for the music to be off, it must be turned off, if it isnt an admin should mute them.


What he said when you dont wanna hear just say stop and they must stop.

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when their is a player spamming hldj you can mute them by going into your esc menu and press player list. If you msg admin chat telling us to tell them to shut up we will warn them and then mute them.


Quality post right hurr. If you're not an admin, these are your two options, pretty much.

And if their spam is so bad, feel free to post a ban report. Even if they're banned for a day, they will be a lot less likely to spam in the future.

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One caveat though to player list muting if the muted party takes lead, the players who have them muted are going to die because they can't hear orders.


So buy admin and mute people left and right like some people... <---- that guy.

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I brought it up because someone did that to me because I was playing music at lr when I was lead and had a successful day. So next round one of the people who were dead that had me muted couldn't hear orders and instead of following the rest of the t's in doing an order he just stood there. I shoot him and he complains about not hearing orders

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