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Oh Darius


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Biggest problem with Darius is the cooldown on his Q. For the range that sonofabitch skill has, there's no reason it should be on that short of a cooldown. Best ability to compare it to is Riven's Ki Burst.


Ki Burst: Shorter range, Longer cooldown, Applied stun, Amplified by her ult

Physical Damage: 50 / 80 / 110 / 140 / 170 (+1.0 per bonus attack damage)


Decimate: Longer range (almost twice the range), Shorter cooldown, Applied hemorrhage, Amplified damage at longer range

Shaft: Physical Damage: 70 / 105 / 140 / 175 / 210 (+0.7 per bonus attack damage)

Blade: Physical Damage: 105 / 157.5 / 210 / 262.5 / 315 (+1.05 per bonus attack damage)


That is a HUGE difference in damage by the outer circle. The ability (and arguably his W as well) has waaaaaay too short of a cooldown for the damage it deals.

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hard cc him. just like riven if she's stunned she can't do shit. or just bait the shit out of his q go in for harass after he whiffs and back out before he can do it again.

Very true, but most of the time in a team fight darius has enough health to get a few kills before he dies. With my build at level 16 i've got about 3k health and 280 ad. even if stunned...any nearby enemies lingering around 4-600 health are prime targets. q...w...R repeat


E is just there to ruin peoples day after they think they made it far enough

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hard cc him. just like riven if she's stunned she can't do shit. or just bait the shit out of his q go in for harass after he whiffs and back out before he can do it again.


As I've said, he's good and almost OP (I don't consider him OP simply because he has some major weaknesses in his kit that can be exploited well) in the same way Riven is. They both have some AMAZING and somewhat unavoidable burst. Despite being melee dependant, they have a wide range on their harass/burst. Riven can gap close and do nutcase damage then stun you so she can get away. Darius will simply out damage anyone who tries to stay in melee range, unless they get help from jungle/mid. Difference is, Riven's damaging mechanics can also be used defensively to escape ganks/abort from a fight. Darius doesn't have that. He's pretty much all in with every trade, and if you somehow lose (gank/unexpected damage from the opposing champion), it can be very costly.


He lacks escapes... and long story short, lacking an escape mechanic in itself balances out otherwise "OP" champs (i.e. Ryze and Kogmaw). He's allowed to have nutcase damage, trading, and farming potential because if you gank him, it is hard for him to get away. Still, there have been times (just like with Riven/Lee Sin/GP) where I've been ganked as Darius and instead of running, I just used it as an opportunity to kill my enemy before running away or dying shortly afterward. He does need to be tweaked a bit as far as his cooldowns and the damage on them, but BY DESIGN... he isn't OP.


Game has two "overpowered" champs as far as I'm concerned, and they will forever be overpowered unless their kits receive some sort of change. Lee Sin and Tristana. They are the only two (by my measure) who both output redonkulous amounts of damage as well as have stupidly strong escape mechanics. A Tristana who can position well and a Lee Sin who knows how to manipulate his shield/lifesteal will NEVER... EVER... have a bad game. Just ask Voyboy (best Lee Sin player in the game as far as I'm concerned) and Aphromoo (possibly the best Trist in the game though there's a lot of good Trist players [Chauster, Chaox, Genja]).

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