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Perp Rule Suggestion or Objection


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I would like to hear from the community as to the rules we have on perp, I would like to know what suggestion for rules our players have and also what rules they object to


When suggesting or objecting please include a reason for it


So please post any suggestions or objections you have to the rules of perp


do not troll this thread or you will receive punishment

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Re-spawn time is ridiculously long, would like it shortened. Also maybe extend the area of nlr a few hundred feet. If someone dies in apartments they really shouldn't be by the drug dealer after spawning. Lastly, with nlr I would like to see that the way you dies goes into affect at how long your nlr lasts. Per say, getting hit by a car will be shorter than being shot.

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Re-spawn time is ridiculously long, would like it shortened. Also maybe extend the area of nlr a few hundred feet. If someone dies in apartments they really shouldn't be by the drug dealer after spawning. Lastly, with nlr I would like to see that the way you dies goes into affect at how long your nlr lasts. Per say, getting hit by a car will be shorter than being shot.

plus 1 to this,the re-spawn time is too long, like when you hit by a car, it takes too long to respawn, no medics or medics are busy :/

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I want you (the admins) to clarify the Parkour rule, is jumping from penthouse to 204 parkour? or is jumping over fences at subs parkour?


Also, I agree with Cookie, respawn time is RIDICULOUSLY long, as is arrest time, I was random arrested 3 times, forcing me to ragequit

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I want you (the admins) to clarify the Parkour rule, is jumping from penthouse to 204 parkour? or is jumping over fences at subs parkour?


Also, I agree with Cookie, respawn time is RIDICULOUSLY long, as is arrest time, I was random arrested 3 times, forcing me to ragequit


+1 Can we get a solid definition on what parkour in perp is incorporating the wiki definition?


Wikipedia Definition


Nobody has given me a solid definition of what parkour is in PERP that applies to all situations.

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the parkour rule is in the works on being wiped from the rules as no one really understands the true meaning for the rule. so in the next few days the parkour rule will be replaced with a simplified, not so vague rule. this is not something that just came up but has been in talks for some time now.


as for the respawn time we have to what we feel is necessary, but that can be gone over in the "]PERP suggestion thread as im only on rules in this thread

Edited by SuperSkreech
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theres no vague rule if u use a car or prop to gain advantage that is parkour example if u in subs and u use a car to jump over fence plain n simple as that


I've heard that if you're going from a higher point to a lower point its not parkour, and if you use a prop its parkour.

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Fuck you guys, this is what JJK thinks is best for the server population and overall fun levels.







Growing in public areas = ok (but you CANNOT defend yourself whatsoever...can only take your shit and run)


Admins should not be allowed to join a gang with other players (fun with friends? ok whatever, but there simply WAY too much favoritism)


Penthouse roof = ok,


the roof NEXT to penthouse = not ok


penthouse jump to 204 = not ok


ant other jump to ground = ok (falling damage prevents too muchabuse)


jumping over a ledge that already has an entrance = not ok (if entrance is owned then deal with the owner)


props should not be allowed to block the roads


remove the road spikes --abused too much and police guns are good enough already


dont allow cops to drop or trade drugs (to prevent lvl up abuse)


move spawn away from the road!


decrease death time, it will only increase server population


pay $100 to spawn your car. a money sink and slight incentive not to fuck aroudn so much


you can block all but one entrance (increase incentive to get vip and use props)





New jobs?


Builder - pay per prop and tip when they spawn and lock the base of your desire (more furniture market)

Hitman - increase market for guns and ammo

Inspector - assures all rented property is being used and no illegal activities (increase warrants)

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Ok about the Parkour rule, I made a thread about it about a year ago when I was still a recruit, this is what I had in the OP (yes I copied it into a notepad document in case something happened to the thread):


WANRING: This is a long, mature, and serious thread and there is no tl;dr comment.


inb4 troll/douchebag thread.


This is an IMO thread coming from someone with over 2 years of Parkour experience and has been created for staff/council to come to a decision on the topic.



I have made this thread to contest the "No Parkouring" rule in Gmod PERP 2.5.


So PERP is a Role Playing server which is supposed to mimick real life, to a ceratin degree anyway.


So I just want to ask: What's not real life about Parkour in PERP?



The very basic purpose of Parkour is to get from A to B, whether that be doing wall-runs or vaults over obstacles, etc; not that you can do anything to that extent in PERP.


The examples in PERP that could be considered Parkour would be jumping over the standard half-fence (so a fence that is about 1 meter [i'm Australian] of length vertically), jumping onto cars to get over fences/walls or jumping on 1 fence onto/over a higer fence/wall.


What is not real life about that?


I could understand being against the rules to jump onto a car/van to get ontop of the Bank building, because that is government property (not including Burger King in that because it can be owned), but the other things are legit real life Parkour.


IRL, when I train Parkour I train (this is the Parkour in relation to PERP):


-Vaults: getting over objects with certain movements; can include just straight forward jumping over an obstacle/s.

-Precisions: jumping from 1 obstacle/wall/fence to another obstacle/wall/fence landing on my feet.



In all of that in mind now, what I'm proposing is:


-Let Parkour be legal in public areas (except government owned property like Bank building) (incluides Tides Hotel if all of the apartments are not owned), to the extent that other citizens are not complaining otherwise Police can inforce them to move on (this is what happens IRL).

Punishment for not complying with Police: Police can break the citizen/'s legs with their gun (I know they don't do that in real life but oh well lmao).


-Same as above but for private property; so citizens can jump onto cars and then jump onto/over a fence (example: Suberbs houses/area). If caught doing the example the Police can break the citizen/'s legs without warning, but Police MUST witness the Parkour being done.



Please take all of this seriously and into consideration.


If you intend to keep the "No Parkouring" rule, please explain to me why with examples if possible.

If you do keep the rule, at least change it to "No Parkour" please.



If you have any questions about Parkour please ask me and I will respond accordingly.


Angel Descends.



NOTE: Please, PLEASE, do not spam this thread as I want to keep it legit; please only post questions/comments on the actual topic without trolling.

I agree with some of the stuff I wrote back then and some I don't agree with now; I've been doing Parkour for over 3 years now :)


So yeah if you want any help with the no Parkour rule I can help out a lot with examples and whatnot, etc.



I don't agree with:


Admins should not be allowed to join a gang with other players (fun with friends? ok whatever, but there simply WAY too much favoritism)


the roof NEXT to penthouse = not ok


penthouse jump to 204 = not ok


jumping over a ledge that already has an entrance = not ok (if entrance is owned then deal with the owner)


I've never seen or experienced admins favouring fellow gang members.


And the last three rules there are in relation to the no Parkour rule which I would still like to see gone.


P.S. I'm starting to play PERP again :D

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I don't agree with:




I've never seen or experienced admins favouring fellow gang members.


And the last three rules there are in relation to the no Parkour rule which I would still like to see gone.


P.S. I'm starting to play PERP again :D


completely. the roof is like a 1/2 foot jump, realistic u can step up.


and as far as i know the parkour is what big john said, if u have to use props u cant get up there, as well as roofs n such. If the ground allows you to jump over then its allowed. but i understand if this needs to be reworked. so it makes it complicated.


the admin rule imho is rediculous, cause i still regulate boondocks and if they break rules they know i still slay them/administrate.

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The parkour rule is in the works of being removed. Now lets move on and discuss other rules if that's the only major input I'm going to hear from this I will close this thread. This is a thread to discuss rules not in game items, jobs, respawn times, or any thing else but rules

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About RDMing goverment people :l


1. Are you allowed to kill cops if they give you a ticket?


2. Are you allowed to kill a medic for reviving someone you are raiding?


3. Are you allowed to kill a tow truck driver for towing ur car?


I've heard different things from different people, a clarification would be great.

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About RDMing goverment people :l


1. Are you allowed to kill cops if they give you a ticket?


2. Are you allowed to kill a medic for reviving someone you are raiding?


3. Are you allowed to kill a tow truck driver for towing ur car?


I've heard different things from different people, a clarification would be great.



^YES, i've been wondering the same thing.

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1. Are you allowed to kill cops if they give you a ticket?

Only if its random.

2. Are you allowed to kill a medic for reviving someone you are raiding?

You must warn him first not to revive, as it is his job.

3. Are you allowed to kill a tow truck driver for towing ur car?

Only if its random.

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1. Are you allowed to kill cops if they give you a ticket?

Only if its random.

No, get an admin, get proof... He is abusing cop, even though this is lite perp, if I were a cop, and you stepped out of the car, you're expecting to get shot, and that'll make matters worse, when you get shot and die, and rage about it... Then you break NLR, don't lie because I know everyone has done that to get revenge, and they'll make a report, and you get blacklisted or banned... Failures are those who's emotions take over, rather then doing the right thing, which is getting proof and getting THEM banned instead of yourself.


2. Are you allowed to kill a medic for reviving someone you are raiding?

You must warn him first not to revive, as it is his job.

A medic is doing their job, in war, you don't see the medic getting shot, unless it was an accident, medics save lives, that is their job... You can tell them to go away, or just end the guy and it'll invoke a longer NLR if I believe.


3. Are you allowed to kill a tow truck driver for towing ur car?

Only if its random.

Same as medic, they are doing their job, as I play the only thing I ever seen a tow truck driver do, was do their job. If your car gets randomly hit and knocked into the road, and your car gets towed... You're out of luck. It may make you mad, but to me, a car in the middle of the road, is a car that deserves to be towed, despite what caused it.




I like roadblocks, they have been my favorite thing to do... But I believe there should be a rule, that doesn't entirely restrain it from being used, even though this is a lite RP... I believe there should be some limitations to it, rather then completely removing it, because whats the point of "Cop Barriers" and "Cones" if you can't use them. The post, that JJK put up, is an example of "overly done" and not even considered a roadblock or checkpoint...


If I can be able to consider what a roadblock should look like, maybe then could this rule be accessed without it completely being banned.

Edited by Pilpest
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I like roadblocks, they have been my favorite thing to do... But I believe there should be a rule, that doesn't entirely restrain it from being used, even though this is a lite RP... I believe there should be some limitations to it, rather then completely removing it, because whats the point of "Cop Barriers" and "Cones" if you can't use them. The post, that JJK put up, is an example of "overly done" and not even considered a roadblock or checkpoint...


If I can be able to consider what a roadblock should look like, maybe then could this rule be accessed without it completely being banned.


I like roadblocks as well, and I think it should be allowed. It adds more RP to the server. The only problem is that no one knows how to regulate it. Cal45 and a couple others can run a great roadblock. However, some of the stuff that I've been seeing recently needs halp. :P

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No, get an admin, get proof... He is abusing cop, even though this is lite perp, if I were a cop, and you stepped out of the car, you're expecting to get shot, and that'll make matters worse, when you get shot and die, and rage about it... Then you break NLR, don't lie because I know everyone has done that to get revenge, and they'll make a report, and you get blacklisted or banned... Failures are those who's emotions take over, rather then doing the right thing, which is getting proof and getting THEM banned instead of yourself.



A medic is doing their job, in war, you don't see the medic getting shot, unless it was an accident, medics save lives, that is their job... You can tell them to go away, or just end the guy and it'll invoke a longer NLR if I believe.



Same as medic, they are doing their job, as I play the only thing I ever seen a tow truck driver do, was do their job. If your car gets randomly hit and knocked into the road, and your car gets towed... You're out of luck. It may make you mad, but to me, a car in the middle of the road, is a car that deserves to be towed, despite what caused it.




I like roadblocks, they have been my favorite thing to do... But I believe there should be a rule, that doesn't entirely restrain it from being used, even though this is a lite RP... I believe there should be some limitations to it, rather then completely removing it, because whats the point of "Cop Barriers" and "Cones" if you can't use them. The post, that JJK put up, is an example of "overly done" and not even considered a roadblock or checkpoint...


If I can be able to consider what a roadblock should look like, maybe then could this rule be accessed without it completely being banned.


All my answers were from staff doings or answers. I was told if its a random ticket your allowed to kill them, no other reason. Same with truck driver. Yes you should record but if your not the next best thing is to stop them.

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All my answers were from staff doings or answers. I was told if its a random ticket your allowed to kill them, no other reason. Same with truck driver. Yes you should record but if your not the next best thing is to stop them.


If I were a cop, and you stepped out of the car, you're expecting to get shot, and that'll make matters worse, when you get shot and die, and rage about it... Then you break NLR, don't lie because I know everyone has done that to get revenge, and they'll make a report, and you get blacklisted or banned...


That is pretty much what will happen.

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2 - When you're growing weed and a cop comes snooping around, do not just start shooting like crazy. Try to talk your way out of it. Remember, cops need 100% proof of illegal activity. If they claim you have drugs when all of your drugs are clearly hidden from plain sight, ask them to leave if they don't have a warrant.


2 - When a cop comes snooping around, do not just start shooting like crazy. Try to talk your way out of it. Remember, cops need 100% proof of illegal activity. Ask them to leave if they don't have a warrant.


Too often do I walk into a building and get shot immediately because someones sitting in another persons room "raiding"


We also need a rule that if you own a building when you become a government employee that your friends can't be growing in there.

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  • Executive Council

My feelings on roadblocks is that they fall on the mayor to approve. If the mayor dies/resigns the roadblock has to be removed. This way the population of the server has someone to hold responsible for how the police are running things.

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Too often do I walk into a building and get shot immediately because someones sitting in another persons room "raiding"


We also need a rule that if you own a building when you become a government employee that your friends can't be growing in there.


Your not allowed to already.


"When your a government employee all ties to your gang are lost"

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Your not allowed to already.


"When your a government employee all ties to your gang are lost"


Friends aren't a gang and people sometimes don't know about their friends growing in their building. They need to start checking.

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There should be a rule on how many places a person can own due to their current membership. i.e. Free members can only own 3 places, V.I.P. can own 4, Gold+ can own 5. Not NECESSARY at all, but there have been a couple people talking about buying out the whole map or large areas people usually grow or one of each area (1 country house, 1 tides, 1 apartment, etc.) so no gang can fully own the whole area. I just feel it would be fair just in case.

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