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Heyo everyone. I'm McNeo.


Born and raised in Minnesota I'm now 24 y/o living on my own in St. Paul. I'm young at heart (I have to grow old, I don't have to grow up). I'm a computer geek by nature - built and broke my first computer at age 8. I can do pretty much anything with a computer and people like to make me their personal help desk and typically I don't mind.


I've been playing CS:S for about 4-5 years but only recently got into JB and other mods in the last 4-5 months or so. I'm honestly not that good and get lol'd at when I scrim, but it's all for fun, right?


Years ago I was a member of CantStopGaming [CSG] but recently their CSS division shut down. I am currently a member of xenoGamers [xG]. I joined xG about 3 months ago and was given Mod status by 2 of the co-leaders shortly thereafter when I demonstrated that I actually knew what I was doing and wanted to support the community and players. I honestly don't know what the beef was between xG and HG - I've asked but I'm sure I've gotten biased responses. I'm exited to see that xG is unbanned from your servers and I want to see what you guys are all about - like I said for all the years I've played CS:S these mods are all new to me so it's fun to play around.


Not sure how active I'll be on your forums, just wanted to stop by and say hi, but definitely see you in game! Peace.

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