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URGENT: DarkRP Problems


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I need a real admin on Gmod DarkRP right now. HG | JJK isn't doing their job as God Admin, and people are continuously votekicking me off the server. Actually it's one person who did it again after it failed, and demoted me randomly. Server is messed up with prop physics, I'm asking someone to please restart the server so the props work right.

User info: STEAM_0:0:11710485 "-hg- Gravity Kitteh"

This guy should know better than to abuse votekick system as a recruit. Either way, Darkwing said he'd get someone to look at DarkRP but nobody has done it. Please have someone reset it ASAP.


Vote results: User will now be kicked, pending admin approval. (5/8)

Gravity Kitteh approved the votekick against -hg- darkwolf6052 (Abuse of demote & Vote + dissrespect)

Disconnect: Vote kick successful. (Abuse of demote & Vote + dissrespect).

Disconnect: Vote kick successful. (Abuse of demote & Vote + dissrespect).

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First of, dissrespect isnt allowed. http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/qc/2012-05-31_00002.jpg


Second of, dissrespect isnt allowed either. http://zhost.hellsgamers.com/u/i5/2012-05-31_00003.jpg


You kept randomly demoting Aerow with the reason RDM, which he didnt do, and then after the demote you votekicked him. It wasnt needed.


There is also a templete you should use for ban requests.



1. Name: -hg- darkwolf6052

2. Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:47897537

3. Server: Darkrp

4. Reason: Dissrespect

5. Proof: <either a demo or SS is required depending on the problem> Above

6. Comments: Also above C:



I did it for you (=

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darkwolf you should know better than to be disrespectful to other members of HG. Take a break from DarkRP for a day, and I have been working on getting someone to restart DarkRP, although the people that have the ability to do it aren't currently around.


darkwolf: Temp Banned.

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