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Ct's going into armory vents at the start of the round?


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What is the rule of CT's going into the armory vents at the start of the round? I here admins and HG members say that CT's are not to look into vent and not to go into those vent at the start of the round however many CT's do, they sit over the top of the vent and camp it and go into the vent and kill the T's that just get in there.


I play both sides and when i am a terrorist it is nice to spawn in the first cell or roll the dice and get sent to the first cell and have a fair chance at rebelling not to have a ct shoot you head off as soon as you drop in the vent from first cell or when a ct sees you drop in the vent and then camps armory door.


Could something be put in the motd for this?



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This happen to me 5 times tonight, as soon as i spawn in 1st cell i go in to vent, go to the bottom and take a few steps back within a few sec a ct drops down and shoots me in the face this happen with 2 HG members and 3 non members. can something be done about it?

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This happen to me 5 times tonight, as soon as i spawn in 1st cell i go in to vent, go to the bottom and take a few steps back within a few sec a ct drops down and shoots me in the face this happen with 2 HG members and 3 non members. can something be done about it?

No. Going in armory doesn't give you a free pass to rebel.


If a CT goes down into vents, and there is no one down there, then yes they may be punishe (warn slay them team lock) but if they have probable caus ethen it's fair game. Either they briefly looked on their way out or their radar. And yes their radar does show where you are.

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