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HG Deagle Tourny


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Picture (Or description of picture): Archer's working on it but it will have deagles on it and hellsgamers somewhere on it too

What: A tournament but teams can only use deagles.


Who: -hg- to Council



1. Teams of 3 or 5 depending on the amount of people

2. Deagles Only (armor allowed)

3. It's pretty much a competitive scrim but both teams can only have deagles and armor, meaning:

-First to 16 wins

-Switch sides after 15 rounds

-Bomb Plants allowed

4. Fox Only

5. Final Destination


Prizes (If you're having any): idk a forum award or something (archer's working on it)

One prize for winning team and if possible, another prize for the person with the most one deags (most kills with only one bullet with a deagle), if there's a way to count one deags

Extra Information (If neccessary):


Person You Wish To Host Event(Blank if up for grabs): Archer and I

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