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Money saving?


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I need tips.

I know I can just google but it's more interesting to see what you guys do to save a bit of money (or to gain a little extra)

Since I'm having exams I don't go to work. Since I get paid weekly, I am now, officially, money fucked.

My cat ate my headset few days ago and I'm now playing with one that makes my hair frizzy (#firstworldproblems, I know.)

I want to buy me a new one, but to be honest, I just can't afford one at the moment.


SOOOO I need money saving tips. How can I save little bits of money? Or how do I get little bits of money? just going back to work isn't an option atm. I don't mean like "how to save 200 bucks" but really, tips that you guys maybe use too, to save a bit at a time.


And I'm being serious, this isn't a troll thread :(

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I been saving for years now. It is mostly a mind set. I hate spending money even if it is something like $1. I like know if I wanted to get something I don't have to worry about the money. Yet during that process I hate spending the money.


Save something per check:

While working, if you have bills or food you must buy, save 25% of the check you get. Or even set it as save $10 a week. Then no matter what, don't spend your savings. Now I don;t know your situation so I am completely guessing on this. How I manage my budget is: 25% towards bills, 25% to wants, 50% to saving that I never touch. Now my life and your are completely different. You may have less or more bills then I do. So you must make a budget where you balance on how much you are spending on bills/school and then consider saves/wants.


Cut things out of your life:

If you are drinker or a smoker stop. You can do the math and show how much you are spending just on these things. Although the process of quitting is hard, it will save thousands per year. So look into what you are spending now. Do you do out and eat a lot? Are you only spending it on bills ( sorry if that is the case ). Once you find out what you are spending your money on, try cutting back. If you go out to eat a lot then try making your own meals at home and taking them to work.


Shop smart:

If you go somewhere get only what you NEED. Your needs and wants are completely different. Food is something you would need and a new headset is something you want. Always get things you need before you get your wants. Yet when you start saving, make it something like I have. Put some percentage in savings, pay the bills and the rest you can spend on whatever you want. I so far am happy with my savings but remember it is a mindset you need to get into to save the most.

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I been saving for years now. It is mostly a mind set. I hate spending money even if it is something like $1. I like know if I wanted to get something I don't have to worry about the money. Yet during that process I hate spending the money.


Save something per check:

While working, if you have bills or food you must buy, save 25% of the check you get. Or even set it as save $10 a week. Then no matter what, don't spend your savings. Now I don;t know your situation so I am completely guessing on this. How I manage my budget is: 25% towards bills, 25% to wants, 50% to saving that I never touch. Now my life and your are completely different. You may have less or more bills then I do. So you must make a budget where you balance on how much you are spending on bills/school and then consider saves/wants.


Cut things out of your life:

If you are drinker or a smoker stop. You can do the math and show how much you are spending just on these things. Although the process of quitting is hard, it will save thousands per year. So look into what you are spending now. Do you do out and eat a lot? Are you only spending it on bills ( sorry if that is the case ). Once you find out what you are spending your money on, try cutting back. If you go out to eat a lot then try making your own meals at home and taking them to work.


Shop smart:

If you go somewhere get only what you NEED. Your needs and wants are completely different. Food is something you would need and a new headset is something you want. Always get things you need before you get your wants. Yet when you start saving, make it something like I have. Put some percentage in savings, pay the bills and the rest you can spend on whatever you want. I so far am happy with my savings but remember it is a mindset you need to get into to save the most.


^THose ideas, and yes, mindset is most important.




a) If you're having trouble saving money due to costs, look at where you can strip out costs. Master pointed out drinking or smoking but this can be extended to any thing you like to do or eat. Say if you're the type to go to eat out (fast food or restaurant), look at instead spending the same money at a grocery store. Make your own meals instead (I know I'm terrible at remembering to bring lunches to work)

B) Don't buy drinks at restaurants, just ask for water (if you do already then NVM xD). Saves you an easy 2-3 dollars (or more if you drink alcohol).

c) Save smart, analyze your spending habits.

In a day's course, save all your receipts and when you get home for the day; look at them and sort out what you HAD/needed to spend to what you WANTED/decided to spend. It will surprise you how much of it is more 'want' than 'need'.


Receipt 1: €2.50

pop + chips


Receipt 2: €5.50

dinning out at fast food restaurant

Receipt 3: €12.00

clothes at a fancy boutique

Receipt 4: €15.00

Grocery shopping: lettuce, tomato, loaf of bread, etc...


If you were to look at the four receipts, you'd want to go.. okay, which one today could I have done without? Apply it to the next day.


Obviously the example is exaggerated and not accurate but hopefully it makes sense >.<

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Agreed with Masters.


When you shop.. Buy things to cook and not fast food.. you will find that cooking at home is MUCH cheaper then anything fast..


also.. make a list. of WHAT YOU HAVE TO HAVE TO LIVE AND on the other side of the page make a list of of what you want..

tare off the what you WANT and toss it in the trash.. go shopping with the MUST HAVE ITEMS..:mybad:




energy is a big deal too.. people spend alot just keeping their pc's on... If your not using a light.. turn it off.. done with the pc for the night.. run the anti virus and shut it off.. ( i do this daily just before i go to work ) if it doesnt need to run all the time.. Shut it off when you leave..


hope it helps.

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people spend alot just keeping their pc's on..done with the pc for the night.. run the anti virus and shut it off.. ( i do this daily just before i go to work ) if it doesnt need to run all the time.. Shut it off when you leave..


hope it helps.


i haven't shut my pc off in over a month D:

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I been saving for years now. It is mostly a mind set. I hate spending money even if it is something like $1. I like know if I wanted to get something I don't have to worry about the money. Yet during that process I hate spending the money.


Save something per check:

While working, if you have bills or food you must buy, save 25% of the check you get. Or even set it as save $10 a week. Then no matter what, don't spend your savings. Now I don;t know your situation so I am completely guessing on this. How I manage my budget is: 25% towards bills, 25% to wants, 50% to saving that I never touch. Now my life and your are completely different. You may have less or more bills then I do. So you must make a budget where you balance on how much you are spending on bills/school and then consider saves/wants.


Cut things out of your life:

If you are drinker or a smoker stop. You can do the math and show how much you are spending just on these things. Although the process of quitting is hard, it will save thousands per year. So look into what you are spending now. Do you do out and eat a lot? Are you only spending it on bills ( sorry if that is the case ). Once you find out what you are spending your money on, try cutting back. If you go out to eat a lot then try making your own meals at home and taking them to work.


Shop smart:

If you go somewhere get only what you NEED. Your needs and wants are completely different. Food is something you would need and a new headset is something you want. Always get things you need before you get your wants. Yet when you start saving, make it something like I have. Put some percentage in savings, pay the bills and the rest you can spend on whatever you want. I so far am happy with my savings but remember it is a mindset you need to get into to save the most.

Awesome read! I do a lot of the stuff mentioned here.

Also, set a goal on how much you want to save. If you want to just generally save money, there really is no goal; the skys the limit on that. But, you said you wanted a new pair of H.P's. So, what you do is set a goal like mentioned before, once you have that goal you must determine how fast you want that item. Then you go from how much you want to put away. Also, stock market!

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Buy generic. Don't go to restaurants to eat, that wastes a ton of money compared to cooking your meals.


Most importantly: Don't live beyond your means. Yes, it's the American way, but it gets a lot of people into trouble.

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1. Save at least 5% of your paycheck every month in a savings account that is touched once yearly. Think of it as a tax refund.


2. Skip the frills, don't dine out.


3. When you go shopping, attempt to walk around, look for the best prices in the local area. It saves to search.


4. Walk! Run! Bike! Public Transit! Driving is the fastest, but the least cost effective way to get around. If things are close, you can have your fun.


5. Turn off any electric devices you aren't using (yes, including the nightlight) and unplug them when not in use.


6. Car users: Switch your transmission to Neutral when you're stopped at a light. It usually takes anywhere from 12-45 seconds for a light to switch, and putting your car on a less power-consuming state saves you upwards of 20% on gas. Also try to coast to stop signs and lights instead of accelerating and braking, same premise-less fuel consumption.


7. Thrift stores vs. Department stores, 'nuff said.


8. Open a window, turn off a fan. Get a blanket, turn off the heater.


9. Close the fridge door, god dammit.

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I don't see why you can't work during exams, if even a shift here or there. Tons of people do. I do. Unless your work is strange and you can't pick up random shifts D:


Open a savings account (or something of the like? I dunno what you silly billies have) for when you do have an income. Save a set amount each pay cheque and make sure you stick to it. I don't know why more people don't have them. It's... sad. Stop paying for admin. Cancel subscriptions you have until you are at a place financially where you feel more comfortable with your money to spend it on frivolous things. Also, stay away from sales for things you don't need lol. You think you're saving money, but in fact, you are still spending it! It's a scientific fact.

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I don't see why you can't work during exams, if even a shift here or there. Tons of people do. I do. Unless your work is strange and you can't pick up random shifts D:


I work 7 am till 7 pm on weekends then, and I had my most important exam on monday, that's why I couldnt :P

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For anything you buy, round the final cost up to the next dollar and put the remainder in a savings account. (Or a physical vessel of some sort)


Eg. Final Cost = $4.30

Rounded = $5.00

Amount into savings = $.70


It's a simple and easy way to saving money, but not exactly the way you would want to go if a large sum was needed to be saved.

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I have not bought any food for the past 6 years. Panera bread, and whole foods throw away a ton of useable foods. This might sound gross to some but, I actually eat better this way than if I were to buy it, because most of it is organic or the expensive parts of meat.


I take surveys online and make extra money for frivolous things like games, headsets, mice, and other shit I can buy online. I can give you a couple good websites if you are interested.


I have actually been looking at a lot of these for the past couple of years that all were scams, mind shooting me some that worked for you?

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