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New Computer?

Business Kitten

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Hey it r teh kitten.I has some things to say


Thank you to the people that plus 1 me for my promotion <3


Well as you may or may not know but i run windows 2000 with a pentium 3 Q_Q


And i am looking for a good computer that can run just about any game on med-high in the 400-800$ range more or less.


Post a link of the site and hopefully i can update before i die.

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It may seem to be a bit over your budget, but with the rebates and the promo code for the hard drive(FBWDHD20), it should be under $800. Also, keep in mind that there is no OS in that cart, so you will need to either pirate windows 7 or buy it.


Why not the 2500k? I assume that you won't be overclocking it, so there is no reason to have an unlocked processor that you won't be overclocking.


Now, I'm not sure if you know how to build a computer or not, but if you do want to go the pre-built way, I would go with this system: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229327 . I do not recommend buying a pre-built system, though. You WILL pay more than you need to for a pre-built system and here are plenty of tutorials online on how to build a PC,

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