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Question about a new admin


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Bazzoka/Purple like to tell other admins what to do, despite only having admin for a few days, and despite both of them being under the age to legally drive, drink alcohol, and vote. Moreover, Bazzoka has not even been playing on this server for very long, and was t-listed/freekilling up until the point he bought admin (where he still derps and freeslays). I would love for you to be in the server when these two bozos are present and I stand behind everything I say about these two derps.


These two should not have admin because they cannot think rationally/logically and use their admin powers for petty bullshit. Needless to say, because of this I will also be reporting any misuse of admin powers by these two, and I apologize in advance for the forum posts that will be present in the forthcoming week.



Arbiter of Justice and Rationality

Resident Alien

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