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"HG | The Sh@dow" Abuse on 24/7 BHOP


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1. Abuser name: The Sh@dow

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:14208174

3. What server: 24/7 BHOP

4. About what time: 5:30PM

5. PROOF: http://www.filefactory.com/file/4b0zpctj6qy5/n/sh_dow_dem

EDIT: At the beginning I was scrolling through some of the chat to show what he had done, apparently it doesn't show. Here it is, you can scroll up to check for yourself if you want.



[sM] HG | The Sh@dow #SwagLikeBad: Muted Terrorists.

[admin] *SPEC* HG | The Sh@dow #SwagLikeBad: !mute @t

smudge connected.

Matrix : !wr

*SPEC* [HG] YouTheDog: </3

[admin] *SPEC* HG | The Sh@dow #SwagLikeBad: !unmute @t

[sM] HG | The Sh@dow #SwagLikeBad: Unmuted Terrorists.

Scoring will not start until both teams have players

smudge suicided.

Scoring will not start until both teams have players

[sM] HG | The Sh@dow #SwagLikeBad: Slapped Terrorists.

[Timer]: smudge has started the map

Man ♀ : !restart

*SPEC* SD|Blade: how????

Poolm@n : wtf

[THE] LED4DED : !normalgrav

Player LotionVendor disconnected SteamID STEAM_0:1:32129081 Reason: Disconnect by user.

Scoring will not start until both teams have players

Player LotionVendor connected SteamID STEAM_0:1:32129081

LotionVendor connected.

Scoring will not start until both teams have players

LotionVendor suicided.

Scoring will not start until both teams have players

[Timer]: LotionVendor has started the map

[Timer]: Feel free to post suggestions and/or bugs at https://hellsgamers.com/forums

[Timer]: Type !timer for stats, commands, and more

*SPEC* SD|Blade: everyone add him at once haha

Matrix : !hide

smudge : !lowgrav

[sM] HG | The Sh@dow #SwagLikeBad: Slapped Terrorists.

[sM] HG | The Sh@dow #SwagLikeBad: Slapped Terrorists.

[sM] HG | The Sh@dow #SwagLikeBad: Slapped Terrorists.

[sM] HG | The Sh@dow #SwagLikeBad: Slapped Terrorists.

HG Stats resets at the end of every month.

Man ♀ : FUCK YOU


6. Please tell us about the incident: Came onto the server, started using !csay for no particular reason. I said "Do you really need to use it for that?" and he replied "Wow dude do you really have that little of a life that you care?" He then muted everyone, unmuted everyone, then slapped us all around when some of us were doing speedruns.

Edited by Denode
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k, since this kid knows nothing of what he is talking about, i entered BHOP to record a demo of a guy i thought to be scripting, someone asked a question, and, as i was spec, the only way i could answer it was with @ chat, as for the mute and unmute thing, i accidently hit my !mute @t bind from JB




edit: slapping was incidental, its an old bind i never got rid of, i was trying to find my admin menu bind, i forgot it was the I key, i even apologized for the slapping to everyone in the server, but i guess denode decided to cut it out

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Didn't see the apology, sorry. Minimized the game to submit the thread. Hope you understand how I was put off by all of this :\


You don't need to use @ chat to talk in spec by the way, we can all see it.


"this kid knows nothing of what he is talking about" is pretty hilarious. You come in, insult me, mute everyone and slap everyone, and I'm supposed to just assume it was one big accident?

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