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Name help?


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hey hellsgamers. ive been having some trouble with getting a name i like in a long time, i don't eaven remember all the names ive used! so i was wondering if any of u gyes could help me try to find a name 2 use, ill tell u gyes some short words about me my gaming habbits and stuff. 1. im impatient most of the time. 2. i love sniping. 3. i preefer to be in dark places it lets me se bether. 4. i got good eyes 4 movement (not the best at seing people standing still) 5. i drink a lot off burn (witch is a energy drink in norway incase u didn't know) 5. i got good ears, i can hear things preety good. (depends on how focused i am) 6. i lose my patiense really quick (unless ive been gaming for a while and has goten really in to the game)


that's it i hope any of u gyes get any ideas 4 a cool name for me 2 use. kthxbye

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In game names dont always have to pertain to who you are they can be random or something you like. I suggest making something easy that everyone will remember you by because i personally hate it when players always change their name and cant keep one normal name.

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Haven't you only changed your name 2 days ago? Think of one you really like, one that you will keep for a long time, so when people see you in server they'll be like "hey I remember that guy!" cause when you keep changing it, it's not going to benefit you in the long run anyways :)

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and to what brian said -- look at my name haha. i've had it for 5 years now (almost 6).. and i just came up with it randomly and it stuck. just try something random out that you think sounds cool

Edited by Nipple
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That's why I started using my first name. :3

However Ethan Mars already has the first name of mine so I stuck with BooT, plus everyone just knows me as BooT.

I have adopted Future as my graphic artist name though. (:

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cookie i learned english from random gamers online, so ive picked up the gramar from there, thats why i spell much wrong and im 14 from norway and school don't teach me anything so yeah my grammar is bad. it isnt important u get what i say thats all i need. :)

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cookie i learned english from random gamers online, so ive picked up the gramar from there, thats why i spell much wrong and im 14 from norway and school don't teach me anything so yeah my grammar is bad. it isnt important u get what i say thats all i need. :)


Np you are doing fine.

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cookie i learned english from random gamers online, so ive picked up the gramar from there, thats why i spell much wrong and im 14 from norway and school don't teach me anything so yeah my grammar is bad. it isnt important u get what i say thats all i need. :)


dw about people being dicks about your grammar, I get shit on on a daily basis for not being all that great at english :D Glad to see you found a new name, hope you'll stick by it now :)

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