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abuse - broken


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1. Abuser name:

[admin] -hg- -Broken- ºαQº

2. Their Steam Id: not sure -- trying to find. (i did status in the demo when i started it but i can't find his name on the list) STEAM_0:1:5279089

3. What server:jailbreak

4. About what time:2:35 pm EST ish?

5. PROOF: down below. (demo)

6. Please tell us about the incident: lead (block) was ordering t's into knife arena for a 300 day, and broken was rebelling in vents, and opened up the vents to allow t's to rebel, **HE EVEN SAYS THIS ON MIC, AND LEAD SAYS DO NOT GO INTO THE VENTS*** so i proceed (with another ct) to go to armory then into vents to cut them off, broken comes out into armory before we could open the door, and then we shoot at him and kill him (i don't think i even got the kill). now i know there has to be more t's in the vents if he opened them and they are in knife arena, so i repress the button to go into vents and then broken freeslays me. abuse. i've seen him abuse admin a lot of times before and he's lucky i havent caught him on demo until now. he needs to be talked to and warned so it doesn't happen again.


on a side note: im really tired of retaliation abuse in this server. this isnt the first time ive been free slayed for cutting off in armory/vents, just finally i got it on demo. its a SHAME that i can't play on an HG server without running a demo 24/7 in fear of admin abuse.




This has, always has been, and always will be the rule (don't quote me on that if it changes)


You are ONLY allowed in the below map vents IF you are FOLLOWING A REBELLER or it is WARDAY


In the case of waiting at the other end of vents. You are still technically following a rebeller.


read the last sentence^



its the very last round of the demo (the last 5 minutes) when block is lead

http://cloud.dloaded.com/o/4fe61424b4da1.dem -- there is the demo. clearly know there are people in vents, clearly going to cut them off, (i didnt even get the kill on broken, i reopen door to go down to vents, and then freeslayed cuz he's mad he died.) also you see another admin on all chat say how i was cutting people off. honestly tired of this..

learn how to admin, or don't admin at all.

Edited by Bonbon
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Nipple you forget to mention that you were sitting outside the armory staring at the top of the vent through the window at the door. At that point you are not trying to cut them off, you are unapologetically camping the armory. I sat there after I died to see if you were going to camp or move on and after waiting about 5-10 seconds of you sitting there staring at the vent from outside the armory, I slayed you for armory camping. I had no intent of slaying you for retaliation, as you can ask anyone that if they get me legitimately I will more often than not given them a good job for besting me.


The very sentence you quoted is still covering going down into the vents to cut off rebellers. It does not allow people to sit outside of armory waiting for the Ts to go through with a door between you and the T. Let me requote it for emphasis

This has, always has been, and always will be the rule (don't quote me on that if it changes)


You are ONLY allowed in the below map vents IF you are FOLLOWING A REBELLER or it is WARDAY


In the case of waiting at the other end of vents. You are still technically following a rebeller.

Not once in that statement does it say anything about being right outside armory with an AWP starting at the top of the vent. What you did was no different than sitting at the top of the vent inside of armory, only you did it with a large garage door and glass between you and the T.

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What i see is nipple was in infirm ( idk why he shouldnt be there in first place cause action was in knife arena),

then lead said someone opened vents (he ran to armory, but he shouldnt cause he didnt see anyone go in),

broken came out he was red and he got killed, then nipple tried to go in ( which imo not allowed cause he never saw anyone go in so he cant assume someone is in there).


So unless you saw someone go in you are not allowed to be in there aka no assuming.


But i ll wait for bonbon since he quoted him.

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were you not listening to mic chat on the demo? multiple people said that people were going into vents and the vents were open, and whaddya know, there were people in there. EVen broken was yelling on the mic saying "everyone go in vents dumbasses i opened them" (rough quote) i went into infirm and checked for less than a second for a rebeller, because i knew we were missing people from the beginning of the round (counted t's along deagle cage). -- (im not a derp CT, i'm playing smart by counting t's to find rebellers and if someones screaming vents are open go in there to rebel, im gonna go after them when i know t's are all over knife arena) im not just gonna stand there and wait for 10 t's to get into armory then flank the team and end the round.


also broken the last sentence of bonbon's quote CLEARLY states that you can wait at the end of vents for rebellers. (there are 3 ends to the vents, s4s, knife arena, and armory.) that doesn't even matter because i was not doing that. if you didn't notice, there is a button on the door and you have to repress the button and wait 3 seconds until you go in), AFTER you were killed the door already shut and i had to repress the button and wait the 3 seconds for the door to open, as soon as the door opened i started moving to go into vents and you slayed me before i could go more than 2 steps.

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Aight. Starting at tick 88, 000 (the round in question) here's what I see:


Long version

When lead asked who open vents, broken proceeded to say "I did blah blah blah". Which gave Nipple enough evidence to go into armory, and cut broken off before he got there. By the time that nipple got there, broken was just getting out of the vents, so nipple and the other CT killed him. Lead had requested 1 CT to actually go inside of the vents, so after nipple killed broken, he could have very well gone back into vents, and made sure there was no one there as lead had obvious reason to believe someone was.


Now, to the slay. As soon as broken popped out of the vents, the doors were opened. Nipple and the other CT jumped back out of strategy to not get killed, and they managed to kill broken. After that, nipple was "hanging around armory door", which is why broken said he slayed him. The thing is, watching the demo after killing broken and after the door had closed, nipple waited 3 seconds before pressing the door to open armory. Which is a perfectly acceptable time considering human reaction time to think over a situation. Nipple then tried to press the armory door button, but because of the new map update, it wouldn't let him for another 3 seconds. So he was TRYING to get into armory, and "presumably" go into vents. But as soon as the doors opened, broken slayed him. So that's 6 seconds after nipple being outside of armory that broken slayed him. And 3 of those seconds did not count as the map was preventing him from advancing.


What broken SHOULD have done was wait at LEAST another 5 seconds. Because let me make this perfectly clear. Being in 1 location for 3 seconds is NOT camping... Had nipple stayed in or around armory, he would have had cause to slay nipple. But had nipple gone directly into vents as soon as it was actually possible for him to, and leave in the same manner, broken would not have had cause to slay him.


So it seems like broken was a bit too eager to slay nipple. Had he waited another 5 seconds, we could have made a definitive decision t whether nipple was right or wrong. But because he did not do that, the fault technically lays on him.



tl;dr broken should have waited 5 more seconds before slaying nipple, as nipple was trying to get into armory and down into vents, but that map wouldn't let him. And personally when I slay/punish someone for camping, I give it 10-15 seconds to make sure they're actually purposefully camping. Not 3 seconds.


But, what seems to be the biggest confusion with this situation is the fact that the armory door takes 3 secodns to open after the button is pressed, making broken believe that nipple was camping. So, we can't really lay the blame soley on him. And yes, nipple could have immediately pressed the button to armory after he killed broken, but 3 seconds isn't a bad reaction time to analyze the situation.


So, I guess summing it up: Broken, you are a good admin and I know you're always trying to uphold the peace, but just because someone kills you, please do not think emotionally. When you slay someone for "camping" make sure they are in that location for AT LEAST 10 seconds AS COUNTED BY THE ROUND CLOCK. And Nipple, try to stay with the Ts at all time, even though lead did give you enough evidence to go to the vents, you still should have been with the Ts instead of checking infirm, when lead notified the server of the broken vents.

Edited by Bonbon
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