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My HG Experience Story

Kurosaki Ichigo

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Hey people, for those of you that remember me, know that I left HG for a few reasons. I feel like I should share my HG experience with the new members of the clan, so they have a general idea of why HG is so great.


Well, to start things off, I joined HG in February of 2011. I was a bit skeptical at first joining such a large clan, as I have previously been in very small clans. But as time went by, I got use to the big atmosphere that HG brought to me. I was, like any new member would be, shy and not say much because I didn't know anyone. The first thing I did when I joined the clan was participate in 10mans. Those were alot of fun. That's how I got to meet new people within the clan, then I met other people by doing other activities. I remember sucking at 10mans because people were so competitive, which is okay. I did alot of the events that were held every month, but mostly I did CSS events, seeing as though my computer could not handle any other game :(.


After being in HG for a month, I then decided that I should help out the clan by reviewing clan applications for people that wanted to join the clan. I felt like I could help the new members by telling them information that was very important so they wouldn't have to bother anyone higher than Manager or anyone else for that matter.


Some of the HG members though, didn't get along with me, but that didn't stop me from staying with the clan. I had plenty of friends within the clan that I could talk to, play games with, and just do silly things.


HG isn't just a clan folks, it's a family. To this day, I still think about all of the fun times I had in HG, my first day in the clan, and my last day in the clan.


HG taught me alot about who I was as a person, not just as a gamer. Other clans (not going to mention any names) don't have the same family connection as HG does. Everyone in HG is treated with respect. HG is a place for people to meet people that like you for who you are, and don't judge your personality. That's why I chose HG. For that exact reason.


So, new members just getting started with HG. Think of this clan as your 2nd family. The family you never had. Treat the upper staff with respect, and in return, they will do the same to you. Some people regret joining HG, but I don't. I'm really glad I joined HG because I met some of the greatest gamers I know!


That's my story. I love you HG, you will always be in my heart!

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You rejoining HG again? I'm sure HG could use someone with your unction right now.


For new members/recruits, I suggest two things that helped me and have helped me in HG:

1. Find a small group of close "friends" to play games with. It helps to play games that require closely nit teammates (RP servers, jailbreak, League of Legends). These people will be your wall and backing that you can talk to/with about ongoing things, games, life in general, and other HG-related things.

2. Feel free to branch out to new games/people/things. Maybe try your hand at sigs and sprays. If you're an avid jailbreaker (what I was when I first joined), try new games like League of Legends, TF2, and Gmod, or perhaps join in other servers like gungame or 10 mans. Most of all don't be afraid to introduce yourself to new people, yet remember typical social boundaries. No one likes to be shittalked to by someone they just met or having to deal with a really loud stranger in their channel in teamspeak. Be courteous when you first meet people and gradually open up to them.


Most of all, be willing to help others. HG as Kurosaki said is a lot more "intimate" than your typical clan. It's large but its member-base is still tightly-knit. Be ready and willing to help people out (when it is your place to help), and you will find your time here far more enjoyable.

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Hey Kuroooo!

When are you reapplying gurrrl? <3


And yeah, HG is kind of an addiction once you get to know the people here better :3 I was really shy and tried to talk as little as possible in the beginning too :P ahh the old days!

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You rejoining HG again? I'm sure HG could use someone with your unction right now.


For new members/recruits, I suggest two things that helped me and have helped me in HG:

1. Find a small group of close "friends" to play games with. It helps to play games that require closely nit teammates (RP servers, jailbreak, League of Legends). These people will be your wall and backing that you can talk to/with about ongoing things, games, life in general, and other HG-related things.

2. Feel free to branch out to new games/people/things. Maybe try your hand at sigs and sprays. If you're an avid jailbreaker (what I was when I first joined), try new games like League of Legends, TF2, and Gmod, or perhaps join in other servers like gungame or 10 mans. Most of all don't be afraid to introduce yourself to new people, yet remember typical social boundaries. No one likes to be shittalked to by someone they just met or having to deal with a really loud stranger in their channel in teamspeak. Be courteous when you first meet people and gradually open up to them.


Most of all, be willing to help others. HG as Kurosaki said is a lot more "intimate" than your typical clan. It's large but its member-base is still tightly-knit. Be ready and willing to help people out (when it is your place to help), and you will find your time here far more enjoyable.


Rejoining? No. Reason? Because I still have internet issues and still don't have enough money to get my own internet, a brand new computer + a new graphics card. Going to take me at least a year to get all that money....

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Hey Kuroooo!

When are you reapplying gurrrl? <3


And yeah, HG is kind of an addiction once you get to know the people here better :3 I was really shy and tried to talk as little as possible in the beginning too :P ahh the old days!


Heeey gurllllfrianddd!!!!! As far as reapplying goes, I don't see that happening at least for another year and a half. Money is the only issue keeping me from rejoining. If I had all the money in the world, I would've already gotten my own internet, a new computer and a new graphics card. But I will be back on the forums here and there just to say holla! LOL!

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