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Just purchased Gmod


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Okay, yesterday I joined the perp server for the first time and I have to say, I have no clue where to even begin :/ Yes, I read the tutorial and the rules but even then I was completely lost. I hear a lot of great things about the perp server and I'm interested in learning the basics. Could anyone help a brotha out?

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You can start PERP by learning the basics, here's my personal To-Do-List for PERP as a beginner.


- Read MOTD and follow rules

- Make some friends and if lucky enough, join a gang.

- Grow some weed alone (assuming you have the weapons) or with a gang.

- Get a job first before being a gangster, how else are you gonna buy pottery and seeds without the money?

- Buy a cheap simple home first time you join (Tides hotel maybe)

- If you have enough money, buy a car (Willard and ATV are perfect for beginners)

- If you got the genes and skills, make some guns and sell them for quick cash.


Hope this helps :D

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Starting is the hardest. So first of all growing drugs (1 pot from ace hardware and 1 seed from the drug dealer behind apartments (5 pot max)) is where you need to start. So buy a gun and ammo from somewhere, buy a cheap place and grow as much as possible.


After you start growing and either get a car or save a lot of money, you need to buy genes/choose what you want to do. If you choose to make guns then make a glock and shart shooting it until you unlock more mixtures. As you make more guns you will have to buy more genetics from the hospital to keep up with your skill making.

Genetics are in your f1 menu and are required to do craft items.


If you still cant figure it out find Genny Harbinger in game and Ill toss you some money and items to get you started.

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