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Awwik - JB Abuse


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1. Abuser name: HG | Kiwwa [dL]

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:19745776

3. What server: Jail Break

4. About what time: 12:50 AM PST

5. PROOF: See Screenshots

6. Please tell us about the incident:


We had been having some ridiculous JB after midnight fun and just completed a round w/LR, where Gabe was playing some lovely music from West Side Story, and I (the lead for both of the rounds in question) was singing along to "I feel pretty." After the round ended, I took lead, and Gabe was still playing the song. I took no offense to this, as I was going to let him play for a few more seconds and then tell him to stop and resume orders.

Less than 10 seconds after round start, Awwik told Gabe to turn the music off. Gabe then turned the music off and jokingly said "You're not lead! You can't control me!" At this point, the music had stopped, obviously, and Gabe was no longer spamming as he was responding to Awwik's request in a joking manner, as any who are familiar with Gabe know he never is intentionally rude or disrespectful in-game. He was immediately kicked without warning, and was not muted.

As you can see the terrorists, and the Lead became depressed due to Gabe's departure, as fun was no longer being had.


***edit clearer screenshot links can be found at bottom of page



As an aside, after Gabe was kicked I immediately passed lead. I then asked Awwik why he kicked Gabe and respectfully told him that we were all trying to have fun and he was being a party-pooper, moreover, he didn't mute him. He then said "keep it up and I'll ban you", or something along those lines. Of course, I have no proof of this as it was on voice-chat.


Simply put, JB is an amazing server where fun is had by all. This was a vindictive, mean, fun-killing incident and I do not understand why it happened nor why a HG member would kick another HG member when a mute would have sufficed even for such an unpersuasive reason as Awwik so thought. Moreover, when questioned I was met with a threat of a ban. As a supporter of this server (via paid admin) I take great offense to that statement.


AND FURTHER, I just remembered the prior round (or possibly two rounds prior). Of course, this all occurred on voice-chat so I have no proof and thus no SS's. At the beginning of the prior round, I had been giving orders, people were spamming/talking over me, including Awwik. I said not to talk over me or they would be muted (not directing it anyone person, but to everyone). Awwik then spammed over my lead and repeatedly said "ARE YOU GONNA MUTE ME?!?!"


Not only has this incident been completely unnecessary, rude, and vindictive, but also extremely hypocritical.


Thank you for reviewing this report, as I rarely think reporting is conducive to resolve admin-abuse problems, but here everything just seems completely mean and hostile and not a mistake. I apologize for the length, but I think every word was necessary given the nature of the abuse.









Edited by Consuela
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Well im not going to say much here except that I have already talked to gabe about this. You also are stating a lot of things that are untrue but since you have no demo ill let it be.

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Since you don't have the courage to at least admit your mistakes, I'll just be recording you from now on.




Also, for obvious reasons I'd respectfully request that someone other than Awwik review this report.

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Are you making this report for you? Or Gabe?


Either way, this is a learning experience.


You need demos. Please have them when you are going to report something as serious as abuse by a Division Leader.

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