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Don't close this please.


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Don't close this right away I want to talk with you about this matter.


1. Your in-game name: Brandon Demers

2. Server that you were banned on: Perp

3. The Banning admin: Console

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:0:18788641

5. Reason for ban: KAC Apparently.


I honestly have no idea how I was banned for cheating, I have no aimbot on my computer or anything of the sort. If you can tell me exactly what it said in the console that would help, I was having fun on this server I even bought VIP for it. And Now I'm banned for something I'm positive I didn't do. And if you would be so kind as to leave this thread open so I can discuss the matter with you instead of closing it, I would appreciate it.

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  • Executive Council

You were detected with FapHack.


There really isn't anything to discuss about that.

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My little brother might have that downloaded for his account but... doesn't your server prevent anyone from using that anyways? So I don't understand why I was banned normally servers just have it disabled. I haven't had this problem on any others.

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Yea .... I went through the steamapps and found it, I have it deleted too. I really had no idea that he had it downloaded and I'm going to talk with him when he gets home later on. Is there anyway that we can just consider this a warning? I had no personal intention of hacking on this server, I think hacking would just take the fun away from it.

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  • Executive Council

Well, there isn't anything I can do as it was detected in use on our server.


If you want to play on our servers again you'll need a new Steam ID.


~Not unbanned

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