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Pink Elephant's Unban Request

Pink Elephant

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yea u shouldnt of said that i was in the game but i see y he was pist one guy was just bhoping through every round


I understand I shouldn't have said that. I know my consequences, and if I must be banned for a few days, I will sit through those days.

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Lackadaisical I did not say that in a racial intent and demeaning manner. I was getting fed up with some of the bunny hoppers that kept bunny hopping. I'm very sorry about that issue, and I really don't think this should be a permanent ban.


Racism has never been tolerated at Hells Gamers from my understanding. No under any cuircumstances should you ever make a racial comment in Jest or otherwise. Previous players who have used racial comments have been banned (sometimes permanently) from all HG servers. The final verdict is ultimately up to staff/council (Which you should be talking to in Vent or PM) to sort out the matter. The MOTD is not a guideline of which you can choose which rules to obey or not but rules that you should read before playing any server.

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Well I didn't mean to. Where's a staff member so I can get this sorted out?


I find it hard to believe you did mean to considering you put in the time to type it out. However that is the last I will say about this. You should receive a response from council or staff shortly.

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