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I AM NOT LEAVING, just thanking y'all


Some of you, if you're my friend on steam, may have noticed that you have gotten a gift. Mostly I went off your wish list but in other events I just bought you a game. This is my thank you. Not everyone got a gift but that's cuz I can't afford it all. But regardless, if you got a gift or are listed below, you have made a a change in HG for me, whether it's your support or just a daily chat, these guys have made a positive change in my experience, and below I have messages for every one of you


J246475- Dude, you were one of my first best friends in HG. You keep being awesome

ToXiC- You are so great, you have treated me awesomely and I LOVE YOU SIR

Ethan Mars- I enjoy talking to you when you're on, and I think you're really friendly and great to play with.

Magic- I don't know where to start, you are just so supportive and great to talk to.

YouTheDog- You're just fun to talk to, and great to jb with

InstantNoodles!- You're funny, and great to talk to, I salute you, sir XD

Hyperactive- You taught me what being an admin really is, and how you do it :P

TheNoob- You are learning fast with gmod! You are great at dm and jb, and you're just awesome :P



I know you just are doing your job, but it really helps us here in HG



Mark- For being so friendly and tolerant of all the bullshit I come into the help desk with and banning all the rule breakers.

Kimzy- For helping me and exterminating all the assholes that break the rules.



If I forgot anyone, sorry, can't remember you all.


So thanks guys, and ftr I AM NOT LEAVING lol.



Edited by jajolt
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