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QuakeCon 2012 BYOC Live Experience


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Hello friends. The Cyber Sports Network will again be a part of this year's QuakeCon BYOC Experience. We are certainly excited and proud in being asked to come back. This year we have expanded that experience and have included Maximus Black. He will be live streaming, doing interviews and some show matches with the 2900+ participants as this year's QuakeCon. CSN and Maximus Black are reaching out to the eSports community to help drive this experience. To make this happen we have set up a Kickstarter program and are looking for donations to see this through.


I am not ashamed in asking for support from the community. As many of you know.. CSN is still very much a start up company but we believe that what we offer the eSports community is not only viable but will provide growth in eSports.


Quakecon is the longest running eSports event in North America and it has become more about a 'Celebration of Gaming' then ever before. Yes, the event is a lot about id software products, but they have opened their doors to CSN and to the BYOC area to allow an even broader experience. Please consider helping CSN make this experience a reality as QuakeCon 2012.

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