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HG 2012 CSS Tournament Suggestion/Tips/Ideas


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In regards to kenny, i don't think having it on more than 1 day is a good idea because its hard enough for teams to either set a day aside to play/take of work/ignore friends. To do it for 2 days would be much harder and during Day 2 teams would fall apart.


Was thinking the same... but i will look into more for sure... till then more people need to post in here because i am sure there were more then 20 people that played... SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT THIS THREAD!!!!

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To be honest, I did not watch much because I was playing GW2 day/night all weekend. BUT! All this talk about "there should be a rule about no team stacking" or "have at least 1-2 HG members on each team" just needs to stop and never said again. Here are the reasons why: (in no special order)


1) Many HG members are actually quite good at css and teams would still be "stacked". (unless you purposely pick who is on what team, in which case, this would not be a tournament at all)

2) There is no such thing as "stacked" teams in a fucking tournament..... 5 people say "hey lets enter the TOURNAMENT and try and win" they picked their own team. The captain of the team is at fault or whoever put it together. It's that teams fault for having bad/slacking players. This is like saying Team Dynamic is stacked and should switch AZK with someone on cyber rev to make it fair....

3) To my understanding when this tournament was first announced like a year ago, this was suppose to css community wide. Homer explained to us as many other gaming communities/clans would enter this tournament. They would get their A-team players to try and win the tournament. Why should we restrict those people on picking THEIR OWN TEAM. And put our HG members in place of some of theres handicapping them. They are trying to win, not make teams fair..... (please tell me, if the reason for this tournament has changed)

4) If you're going to enforce the rule "no team-stacking", dont even bother hosting a so called tournament. I enter tournaments to win, not to handicap myself and possibly lose.


Other suggestions:


-If HG plans for this to go community wide or just even bigger, then this tournament will have to happen in more than 1 day. Whether it takes 2 weekends or just 2 days, you cannot hold a giant css tournament in 1 day, especially when HG is hosting it. (Past pistol only tournaments or ten man marathons, we have trouble lo3ing servers, getting the proper people into the proper servers)

-Instead of knifing for sides/map, just toss a coin or something. Would make things run a lot smoother and quicker. Knife round takes too long for a tournament.

-Definitely register with STEAMID to check for past bans

-If this tournament goes big, then some sort of demo submission would have to be implemented for people to appeal a match or something. (this shouldnt hard at all with all the web programmers in HG)

Sub Rules:

-If someone has to sub, pause the game and allow the other player to connect.

-I wouldn't set a sub limit. Some teams will have 4 backup players all ready to play. If 4 people's internet goes out or computer catches fire, there 4 backup players can finish the match.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^My two sense.

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Having casted the tournament myself as well as having played competitive source for a long time, here's my thoughts.


  • Make these tournaments available only to people in HG. This prevents teams from getting subs who are just randoms and not on the roster. Also, more people will join hg.
  • Knife fight for sides. This is a must.
  • Have TS channels ready before tournament(this was not possible this past tournament because of sloppiness.)
  • Should be double elimination bracket over the course of two days. Can be over 1 weekend or just two Saturdays.


I'll edit this thread if I think of anything else.


For the next tournament, make sure to delete every thread in the "teams" sub-forum. As well as everything in the "HG 2012 Tournament" sub-forum. This way we will know which teams are actually going to show up to the tournament, allowing admins to make TS channels for the teams ahead of time.

Edited by ramPage
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PS, considering this was kind of a try out,


umm, this isn't the first time 'HG' had a tournament like this before..


Having casted the tournament myself as well as having played competitive source for a long time, here's my thoughts.


  • Make these tournaments available only to people in HG. This prevents people getting subs who are just randoms and not on the roster. Also, more people will join hg.
  • Knife fight for sides. This is a must.
  • Have TS channels ready before tournament(this was not possible this past tournament because of sloppiness.)
  • Should be double elimination bracket over the course of two days. Can be over 1 weekend or just two Saturdays.


I'll edit this thread if I think of anything else.

^listen to this man.

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I couldn't agree with DJ more.. It'll give people more reason to join HG.


-I don't think it should be HG only, but like someone suggested, 2-3 HG members per team.

-Make the tourny more then one day. If your team can't make it on one of the days, that's what you have 2 subs for.

-I also liked the idea of doing multiple maps for the final like ESEA does.

-The team stacking "rule" idea is dumb. Like Fear said, you play the tourny to win, not to be fair.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I dont think you could avoid the bracket problem. My team won the first two with scores of 16-2 and 16-3.


Who'd of thunk it?


Well your team name and members are intimidating :P


Our team is still waiting for our ban :3

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This came in from ploots nice pm to me...



Time and Date for future tournaments :

Host Multiple brackets depending on timezone. Ex: A EU Bracket and a US Bracket,Both winners of the Us Bracket and EU Bracket verse each other Or Schedule a EST Bracket or a PST Bracket

Livestream Suggestions:

Bring up a list of who will participate and just vote one who wants to cast

Side Selection (CT/T):

A Knife mid to determine winner - gets to choose CT or T

How to make teams:

At least have 2+ or more Hg Memebers per team, so people dont bring in their entire team of pros, they can always apply but the HG Members must be registered as a Recruit+ by the deadline of the finalization of teams

How many Sub's allowed:

Atleast 2, For Reasons like DCing or somebody has to go, A sub comes in but somebody else dc's or times out for a long period of time, you will need another sub

Deadlines to submit Team and Team Name:

Atleast By the last week before the tourney is announced.

At least have one admin in each game for help: one admin should sit in the match at all times to referee any problems. It also speeds the time up between matches - that way players don't have to find someone and it takes forever..

Penalty for Illegal defuse: Illegal Defuse = +1 round for the other team.

Penalty for not having 5 players and holding up a game: If theres no sub in there roster that hasnt been registered then Forfeit After 10 minutes of waiting,

Time limit in getting that 5th player to connect to begin the game: A player gets 10 minutes max

Friendly Fire ON/OFF: ON - Real Tourney Rules. as in a average tourney would have

Teams should be able to pause (1 pause per team? or more): Atleast able to pause for 10 minutes if a teammate crashes or is about to crash then after 10 minutes have a mod where it will unpause

Team knife fight for Side or Map: Side selection idea.


THIS (with some edits) and::


1.we got to "vote" for a map and I'm not sure how it worked, but I don't know how it worked because our 5 members of the team would vote for a map and it'd get switched to i guess the default map for the match? I saw default map depending on if it's the quarterfinals or semifinals etc and remove the vote map option.

2.Also, prepare the servers and make sure they are ready before the start of the tournament

3. if the event says start at 6 PM CST, let's start at 6 PM CST because we waited a good hour and a half before it started

4. all in all try and minimuze inbetween or free time to expidite the tournament. I know it will take a while, but the little things inbetween matches will make a difference. 10-15 minutes here and there will add up to liek 2 hours.


Good job last tourney though

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