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[HG] A NON Abuse.


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1. Abuser name: [HG] A NON aQ

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:40862723

3. What server: Jailbreak

4. About what time: 2 Pm Pacific.

5. PROOF: Look at the demo. Not what happened but he explains why he did it.

6. Please tell us about the incident: Playing as ct when im lead and we are playing simon says. I lead the t's into the knife arena to play 300. The t's are on the tombstone and The cts are on the opposite side. The gate was unlocked 1 ct decides to go Knife some people on the tombstone Like an idiot because remember we are still playing simon says. I dont remember how many cts went off the tombstone without me giving the simon says orders for them to go off but I shoot them. Right then and there A NON Slays me. He says I freekilled, which he clearly Tarped himself.


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First of all lets get the story straight here buddy.

It was not ONE ct knifing the t's who were on their tombstone, it was three ct's, followed by the entire ct team behind them. Since we were playing simon says the t's had two choices, either stay where they are and be freekilled because of how unaware of the situation lead was; or they could jump off and get killed for "not following orders".

Once the first ct started knifing I started screaming over my mic for them to stop and not to kill them. Right after this 3 t's jumped off their tombstone not to knife fight but to just get away, as you can see by the fact that they were not red when shot by lead. Lead proceeded to mow down the three that jumped off saying that he didn't say simon says. Unfortunately this is the same as a situation where you have a mass freekill in a stack and t's scatter to try to not be freekilled, and then lead shoots them for it? please explain your'e justification again without all the bias and looking at the facts of the situation. ty

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Ok so you admit to slaying me when my orders were not to come off the tombstone because we were playing simon says. It not my fault that a couple of derp ct's go and start to knife the t's. You chose to slay me instead of going and t listing the derp Ct's. That was a bad move on your part. Even after the fact that you slayed me you mocked me about it.

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They jumped off the tombstone when the lead did not say for them to get off and fight. And yes some people that knifed the cts that were baiting did turn red and anyone who got off there dumbstone is automatically a rebeler.

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No proof so idk what happen, but by what you guys been talking seems, cts went near ts to knife fight which they should not have unless lead said so.


And ts came down and were not told to come down so he shot them.


Baiting cts should be templocked.


you houldnt shoot at ts when your cts are being derps.

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