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CSS deagle tips?


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If you want to get some tips and watch a great deagler talk to HG | Issac . He is one of the best deagle shoots I've seen in a long time. Here is a Link to his Esea profile where you can Download demos of pugs / scrims he's played in.


Message him on the forums he checks is daily. Hope it helps :)

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Flick to head, click.

If you try and aim, you wont get the kill because deagles arent that accurate, so if you're aiming a little bit worse, the bullet might go a little off target in your favour.


dont listen to this kid


keep your crosshair at head level, point and shoot. stand still when you shoot. if you're far away, don't be afraid to crouch.

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dont listen to this kid


keep your crosshair at head level, point and shoot. stand still when you shoot. if you're far away, don't be afraid to crouch.


even I know feb's right.. :3


Also, "Aesopp's deag is nasty" as quoted by rampage and others.

Also, maxie is a hero with probably any gun :D


I sell lessons for as cheap as one dollar per minute!

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dont listen to this kid


keep your crosshair at head level, point and shoot. stand still when you shoot. if you're far away, don't be afraid to crouch.


Unless they're shooting back, which you want to try to wave back and forth, they'll probably try to do the same, which just keep your crosshair closest to their head, try not to swing it too much.

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Unless they're shooting back, which you want to try to wave back and forth, they'll probably try to do the same, which just keep your crosshair closest to their head, try not to swing it too much.


a stop d stop a stop d stop a stop d stop a stop d stop a stop d stop a stop d stop



thought the consensus was that he knew how to do that...rofl

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a stop d stop a stop d stop a stop d stop a stop d stop a stop d stop a stop d stop



thought the consensus was that he knew how to do that...rofl


Well, unless you have lightening fingers, only you.<3 I usually lean towards one side, but that's only because I have a shitty setup.

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Well, unless you have lightening fingers, only you.<3 I usually lean towards one side, but that's only because I have a shitty setup.


its a certain type of peek. hold a, tap d to stop. hold d, tap a to stop. you can peek around corners doing that either to the left or to the right


how does your setup make you not able to press two main buttons on your keyboard

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its a certain type of peek. hold a, tap d to stop. hold d, tap a to stop. you can peek around corners doing that either to the left or to the right


how does your setup make you not able to press two main buttons on your keyboard


I meant while aiming, mouse hits keyboard and such, no big deal there, not complaining, but yeah, in any situation without corners, kind of taking a chance.

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I meant while aiming, mouse hits keyboard and such, no big deal there, not complaining, but yeah, in any situation without corners, kind of taking a chance.


have you tried pushing keyboard off desk a little bit? I used to do that. but now i play weird as fuck where my keyboard is almost sideways so i cant do that anymore rofl

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have you tried pushing keyboard off desk a little bit? I used to do that. but now i play weird as fuck where my keyboard is almost sideways so i cant do that anymore rofl


Yeah, I have a tray that slides out, so I put my keyboard at an angle, I guess like how yours is then, still a pain trying to get comfortable, can't ever find the right spot, lol.

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1.Don't stand still thats just randumb and you'll get killed all the time.

2. Don't shoot while holding W only. A and D are you best friends whilst holding a deagle.

3. For some reason (even pros like Caseyfoster say this) flicking works very well on the deagle. So practice your flick!

4. Instead of waiting for your model to come to a complete stop when letting go of the movement keys...You can shoot while youre in that slide motion and still get very good accuracy.

5. Practice keeping your crosshair headlevel or where you think heads would be (applies to all weapons)

6. Don't be afraid to SPAM your deagle. I see so much in ESEA people trying to go for only 1deags. Fuck that get the kill its better for your team.

7. Find a good crosshairsize that you are really comfortable with AND a good sensitivity. (I see youre an awp so you might want a lower sensitivity which works good for deagling as well.)

8. Take all these tips and get all dem WAN DEAGS.

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