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Wasn't sure where to post this..


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I wasn't sure where to put this so I put it here.


Today during my time in JB, I was freekilled by Magic, now maybe I was wrong or maybe I was right. Now instead of bringing me blaming magic of freekilling in all talk, I decided to put in admin chat for him to see and read. He responded saying no, and we won't on with it for a while. But then I told him he was a "fail ass admin" which is disrespect, which he then warned me saying "If your gonna keep disrespecting your going to be kicked" which I abided by I never disrespected him after that. He told me to read MOTD. Now at this point he was a hypocrite, he told me to read MOTD due to this crouching thing, and I was like "Don't tell me to read MOTD when you haven't even read it, because the round before it was a WARDAY, and then LR hit and he had said "No LR it's war day" but he was corrected by an admin who knows the rules and said there is LR. So if the admin wasn't there to correct him he would have freekilled those last two T's. He then kicked me for telling him to not tell me to read MOTD and that he should. Now why was I kicked? Unknown. I came back and simply asked, and then another admin decided to butt in for no reason. Telling me I am wrong blah blah blah and drop it. So wolfman another admin joined and told them something not sure what and he was agreeing with me that these children admins are power hungry. They let this power get to them assuming they are better than everyone. At this point I was banned for 2 hours, for what I have no clue, I am assuming me asking about why I was kicked, and that's about all. There was no reason in the ban. Now I am asking for a flame war so if you're going to starting flaming and raging on this thread, just GTFO.

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