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Need Help/Got Banned


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I know this is the wrong forum but I cant find where exactly (Im new on HG Forums FYI).

I got banned for changing names 10 times in 60 seconds, which I didnt know this was bannable.

What I think is harsh is, that its permanent, I thought it would be like 5 minutes or something but I was wrong when I went to see the bans list.


All Im asking is to unban me, that aint going to happen again.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:29337508




Also, I cannot reply with quote (screenshot) for some reason. It says I need to login but when I do I get transfered back to Main Page and when I come back on the HG Bans, I still need to login and cant manage to fix it.


Edit: I got banned on Hide N Seek server.


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