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Minigames Event with Gimmick Maps


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Picture (Or description of picture): idk archer/graphics team will do it


Repopulate minigames but:

-No bob style maps (the maps with a bunch of levels)

-No maps with many minigames in them (the ones where one person rushes to a point and picks the maps)

-Pretty much it's all the one gimmick maps like the D-Day, battleship, king kong, maze, etc

Who: All (friends of HG and up)


Only 1 gimmick maps

Prizes (If you're having any):

Extra Information (If neccessary): we need to repopulate the minigames server because it's fucking awesome but no ones online ):

we just need to find a way to temporarily get rid of the bob maps/multiple minigame maps (idk what they're called)

Person You Wish To Host Event(Blank if up for grabs): archer and I (best hg bros 2012 :D)

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