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HellsGamers Clan


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  • 2 weeks later...

There's a lot of places to go in the console scene. Me, my girlfriend, and her whole family are big Call of Duty players on Playstation 3. If we do good on Clan Ops for COD Elite, we could win some cash and prizes for the clan and possibly turn that into winnings via game tournaments online and off. It's just a thought brought up by Awesomepwner, but I'd be in, if there was such a thing. I know most people have Xbox, so I'd probably be out anyways.

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we could win some cash and prizes for the clan and possibly turn that into winnings via game tournaments online and off


Yeah, elite competitions are generally shit. My friend (RunningOnZero, was 7th in world for FFA) did a lot of those competitions and got fucked over on iPads and really good prizes. He recorded his gameplay too after they didn't count some of his kills, asked the company who monitors them to recount it and got banned for a month on elite.

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