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Projected School Schedules


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I'm a Sophmore in college

Major: Aerospace Engineering


1. Intro to Engineering design(this is actually my 3rd engineering class, I just couldn't fit it in my first year)

2. Calc 3

3. Physics 2 with lab

4. Physics 1( I'm retaking it to boost my gpa)

5. Intro to Aerospace Systems


I also am a bus driver for the school's bus system

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Year 12, I'm doing the IB Programme if anyone has heard of it before


HL (high level)

SL (standard level)


HL English Language and Literature

HL Geography

HL Business

SL Spanish

SL Maths

SL Environmental Systems and Societies

Theory of Knowledge



Model United Nations (President of the General Assembly)


Ballroom Dancing

Figure Skating


Peer Mentor


God, I'm so Asian

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Year 12, I'm doing the IB Programme if anyone has heard of it before


HL (high level)

SL (standard level)


HL English Language and Literature

HL Geography

HL Business

SL Spanish

SL Maths

SL Environmental Systems and Societies

Theory of Knowledge



Model United Nations (President of the General Assembly)


Ballroom Dancing

Figure Skating


Peer Mentor


God, I'm so Asian

I've heard of it, we have a lot of different classes here though

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Whaaat? Like what kind? Those are the ones I chose, not necessarily the only ones that were offered


I actually don't know but my IB friends schedules look different than that. Here's our program and classes.



Here's my schedule as of now. Early ass lunch sucks, only option though unless I can drop art history (hopefully).


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I actually don't know but my IB friends schedules look different than that. Here's our program and classes.



Here's my schedule as of now. Early ass lunch sucks, only option though unless I can drop art history (hopefully).



Your school only teaches IB classes, it doesn't actually offer the diploma. Most schools that do offer the diploma are international schools sooo I wouldn't expect most people here to be doing it lol

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Senior year as the loudest and proudest member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2013.


GEOL101 - Priciples of Geology + Lab. Because I haven't taken any sciences.

PSYCH304 - Psychology of Sport

SOCI323 - Sociology of African Americans. Because he's the best professor on campus.

POLS435 - Voting Behavior. Because fuck 400 levels.

POLS481 - Research Seminar: Ethnic Politics in a Comparative Perspective. Minimum 30 page research paper that will be published in either a school journal or national undergraduate journal.

KINE199 - Some P.E. class that you were supposed to take as a freshman.

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12th grade (SENIORS BABY)


English 12 Dramatic Lit, CP

AP Physics

Tech Ed. IV Automotive Tech

Directed Study

Directed Study

Directed Study

Directed Study

I got 7 periods in my school, but only 6 periods a day last 1 always drops, so I always have 3 periods off :D

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