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Just started college, any tips?


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As far as classes go, find a field of interest and stick to it. Switching majors can set you back both in graduating and in finding work after graduation. Employers like to see people who know what they're doing and know what they want to do with their lives. On that note, do sign up for non-major related courses that interest you. For instance, I'm a Physics and Poli Sci double major, but I've also taken at least 5 courses in the Classics (Ancient Roman and Greek culture) such as mythology and rhetoric, because the Classics interest me and are also fairly relevant to Political Science. Find a niche to settle into, but don't be afraid to branch out and look for other things that interest you.

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Oh yeah, be friends with the rich people, odds are, their dads work on Wall Street or have a good job and they can hook you up.


I think he meant to say "network with people."


You should be doing that whenever you can anyway. You never know when a connection can help you down the line.

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Oh yeah, be friends with the rich people, odds are, their dads work on Wall Street or have a good job and they can hook you up.


more like don't judge people based on how much their mommy or daddy earns. Hang out with people you like for their personality, and like wingless said, network.

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I think he meant to say "network with people."


You should be doing that whenever you can anyway. You never know when a connection can help you down the line.


Yeah, I don't mean like actually be friends with them. Just get to know them. Connections mean everything now.

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Dont stick your dick in crazy. (without protection atleast)

Dont be afraid of your professors, they may seem scary but MOST will go out of their way to help you, IF you ask.

Ask for help.

Socialize with not only students, these people may find you a job one day

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Go... To... Class...


I can't stress this enough. I got B's multiple times in my first two years just because I missed classes and lacked important information during exams. EVEN if they post lecture notes or recordings online, GO... TO... CLASS!


I like how you make getting B's to be a bad thing.

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