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Perp Hide and Seek


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(I posted this idea yesterday, I realize that the application didn't actually look that great. Since this cannot be seen until you approve, I thought there would be no harm in re-doing it.)


Perp Hide and Seek:


Picture: I don't have any picture making software stuff........a cop chase maybe?


What: The game starts off with one cop armed with a tazer. The rest of the players are given a certain amount of time (starting from the Nexus) to hide. The rest of the players are warranted and are armed only with a car of the players choice. When a cop tazers a warranted, the warranted then becomes a cop and helps the cops track down the rest of the warranted players.


Who: -hg- up I guess....


Rules: There is no such thing as NLR. The warranted may not run over another warranted player...but may hit a cop. No such thing as RDM. Cops have total freedom to do whatever they want. I think you would either have to say that everyone had keys to every building.....or that every building is un-owned and unlocked. (Normal hg server rules apply)


Prizes: Perp Cash (I don't have any so someone else would have to provide)


Extra Info: This idea is pretty basic and could be modified in alot of ways to make it better/easier to run. There might be a problem with the warranted players becoming cops upon being tazered, so you might have to make it that they actually have to arrest them. Upon being released (Lower jail time to like 10 secs), the player would then go cop. You would also have to set it so there could be more cops than usual....can more cop cars than usual.


Person: BLANK

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