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I'm so confused xD


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So when I come to the forums, I generally just browse the "whats new?" section, just to see what's goin on recently, and to prevent myself from unknowingly necrobumping a post (I've done it before xD)

But sometimes, after I log in, I click "What's New?" and like 7 topics come up. The 7 topics are from random times and subjects too, ranging from 2 weeks ago to today.

Am I doing something wrong or is just a glitch in the forums? xD

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They pop up based on most recent reply, not when the thread was created. Are you sure you're looking at most recent reply and not the date the thread started?

I literally click the What's New button and nothing else, and it only happens sometimes. Sometimes its pages of threads, sometimes just 5-7. I just thought I'd mention the dates of threads to debunk any theories about a filter I don't know about xD

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