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I thought since these two conventions are going to be progressing for the next while we could have a discussion on whats being said, whats being done, what you are impressed by, thoughts on any of the speakers, etc.


Please no raging :mad:

And respect everyone's opinions.

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CLEVER "this threat" not "thread".


But I personally found the RNC awesome.


Yeah I had loads of fun watching the RNC. Then this one fucker came up to speak and ruined the whole damn thing with his heresy about the human condition while proclaiming the idea that God's favor was over the American people. I love how he said that suggesting investment to his church would "send him to hell" as if any act of our own volition can overcome the Grace God gives according to the gospel.


That Mitt guy is an IDIOT. Still voting for him as the lesser of idiots, but he needs to get his religious views straight (and in line with the Word from which he says he gets them from) before he tries to put them in his political speeches.


And yes this is the point when the thread blows up. It should probably be closed now.

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I was actually at the RNC and I'm still at my hotel in Tampa. It sucked. Romney's speech was dumb and full of lies. He always claims hes a great businessman, and that he saved a lot of companies at Bain Capital and he did so during his speech. However he always flips shit when Democrats grill him on how many people hes laid off and says that what he did at Bain Capital has nothing to do with his campaigns. Paul Ryan blamed Obama for a GM Plant closing that actually closed during the Bush administration. The RNC was full of lies and hate. Just look at the Republican delegates that threw nuts at an African-American CNN Camerawoman and said "This is how we feed animals." He demonstrated the Republican platform on African-Americans. I also really hated it when Romney said "Are we better off now than four years ago?" He damn well knows that we are. He also said that "When you need big stuff done... You need an American" Barack Obama isn't any less American than Romney is, and I'd say even more American, because unlike Romney, he didn't avoid his taxes, and he doesn't keep his money in Switzerland. He doesn't want to tax wealthy people, when people like myself don't need any more tax breaks. I've had enough tax breaks, and anyone within my income level or above damn well knows that they don't need those tax breaks either. Its called greed, and I've had enough of it. I'm proudly going to be attending the DNC in Charlotte. OBAMA 2012!!!

Edited by Billy Mays
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That Mitt guy is an IDIOT. Still voting for him as the lesser of idiots, but he needs to get his religious views straight (and in line with the Word from which he says he gets them from) before he tries to put them in his political speeches.


And yes this is the point when the thread blows up. It should probably be closed now.

Why are we delegated to vote between moron A and moron B? That's the bigger question.
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See I was stating it for argument's sake, Obama actually is a pretty good president no doubt, but I view him as just a different puppet on a new drawstring.


I'm not a fan of Obama, but not because of his fiscal/military handlings. I dislike him because I can't define his moral ground, in fact I don't think he has one. His mind changes with the tides on moral issues to best fit the situation. At the same time Romney is fairly blatant with his "beliefs" albeit many of them are misguided. He however lacks in the political skills Obama seems to have as well as the efficacy I'd like to have in a president. In any case, I'm waiting to see what Obama chooses to touch on at the DNC. I'm not registered, I will likely register Republican, and I will likely vote Romney... but we'll see.

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To be honest i'm glad i can't vote this presidential election because I can't say I really want to vote for either candidate..


I'm proudly saying that I voted for Obama in 2008 and I'm voting for him again this year. He created affordable healthcare, so we no longer have to watch the poor die because their insurance company is denying them an operation. Hes created tons of jobs. He opened up stem-cell research. Countless other achievements. Heres a site of what hes done so far. http://obamaachievements.org/list. Mitt Romney hasn't done anything except laying off hundreds of our fellow Americans.

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most 2 term presidents do better on a 2nd term (esp clinton, my homeskillet)


also we really shouldn't discuss politics/religion here

Nonsense, take off the censor panties and throw them in the dryer.


In other news, I enjoyed the antics of FDR, Clinton, Obama, and Lincoln as presidents go. When it came to shennanigans though, the last three presidents are definitely my top three for scandolous (Bill Clinton), stupid (Dubya), and meme-related (Obama) reasons. :)

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Nonsense, take off the censor panties and throw them in the dryer.


In other news, I enjoyed the antics of FDR, Clinton, Obama, and Lincoln as presidents go. When it came to shennanigans though, the last three presidents are definitely my top three for scandolous (Bill Clinton), stupid (Dubya), and meme-related (Obama) reasons. :)


HG needs to have a Political Debate section, so political talk is just allowed in that section. Btw, do you really want this guy as President?



Edited by Billy Mays
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Nonsense, take off the censor panties and throw them in the dryer.


In other news, I enjoyed the antics of FDR, Clinton, Obama, and Lincoln as presidents go. When it came to shennanigans though, the last three presidents are definitely my top three for scandolous (Bill Clinton), stupid (Dubya), and meme-related (Obama) reasons. :)


HG needs to have a Political Debate section, so political talk is just allowed in that section.

i say have an unlisted (on search engines and stuff like that at least) section where anything and everything is allowed. And I read the list of what Obama has done...Not bad (obamaface)
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