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This generation is a bunch of assholes (18+)


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Hey guys,


I know what the title says and I will explain why, For the older guys and women in this clan. Have to ask you a few questions and say it out as I read it.


*Don't you miss when you can wear any clothes and be comfortable and enjoy life?

*Don't you miss when their were all these good TV shows on like Seinfeld, friends, etc

*Don't you miss when their were no cell phones or faceSHIT


My point is I feel sorry for this generation, ours had great music, you can say you listen to everything. But with today's generation try finding one good song.

Or for that matter why don't you go listen to a guy that sings about sucking dicks(lil wayen)


This generation is sucks dicks.


You guys think Jersey shore is cool, although, if they started to suck on Snokies dick you think thats cool. Which they do by the way. Or the fatass that sit back watching football all day, but don't play sports.


Or you assholes that think failing highschool is cool?


Let me tell you something this generation has no respect for it's olders, and are a bunch of idoits that smoke weed and suck on each other dicks all day because Vinny is sucking on snokies.


But, I can save you assholes. Stop watching MTV go to a gym, play sports for gods sakes take a break from the game man, enjoy life before you find your self homless sucking snokie dick all day, and about to die at age 30.


Thank you, mr beck.

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If your watching MTV no matter what age you are, you have the IQ of a single celled organism that applys to everybody.


Media is ruining life and how we see it. If you want to keep up with the world then go out, check out reddit and look at the news. It keeps up with the world and you can see and realize whats really happening around us.

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Media is ruining life and how we see it. If you want to keep up with the world then go out, check out reddit



Three things:


1. Reddit is part of the media

2. Your news on reddit is likely to be stupid libertarian crap that you can find on any news site that comes from the internet

3. Reddit blows

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Hey guys,


I know what the title says and I will explain why, For the older guys and women in this clan. Have to ask you a few questions and say it out as I read it.


*Don't you miss when you can wear any clothes and be comfortable and enjoy life?

*Don't you miss when their were all these good TV shows on like Seinfeld, friends, etc

*Don't you miss when their were no cell phones or faceSHIT

I wear comfy clothes and enjoy myself while looking fresh.

There are still good shows on TV, what are you talking about?

There were still cellphones, sorry technology has advanced and you can't handle it.


My point is I feel sorry for this generation, ours had great music, you can say you listen to everything. But with today's generation try finding one good song.

Or for that matter why don't you go listen to a guy that sings about sucking dicks(lil wayen)


This generation is sucks dicks.


You guys think Jersey shore is cool, although, if they started to suck on Snokies dick you think thats cool. Which they do by the way. Or the fatass that sit back watching football all day, but don't play sports.


Or you assholes that think failing highschool is cool?

We have great music too, I listen to bands my brother listened to when he was my age (he's your age), and those artists still make new albums and people enjoy them. Not everyone enjoys lil wayne, most people I know hate him and have a good taste in rap like Nas, 2pac, Eminem, and other rappers.

Of course everyone think Jersey Shore is cool, that's why I haven't heard a single person talk about it for a long time. What's wrong with watching sports? Many people did that in "your day".


Also, no one I know thinks failing high school is cool.


Let me tell you something this generation has no respect for it's olders, and are a bunch of idoits that smoke weed and suck on each other dicks all day because Vinny is sucking on snokies.


But, I can save you assholes. Stop watching MTV go to a gym, play sports for gods sakes take a break from the game man, enjoy life before you find your self homless sucking snokie dick all day, and about to die at age 30.


Thank you, mr beck.


Awkward cause you just said we have no respect for our "olders", yet you said we suck dicks, think about why we wouldn't. About 1/20 of all people I know (my age) smoke and drink, yet have great GPAs (3.5-4.2) and are in full Honors, AP, and IB classes.

You can't save shit.

Not everyone watches MTV all the time, though people I know that do, also go to the gym and work out, play sports, play video games, and do well in school.



Your generation isn't the best and you can't handle change. You need to grow up.

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You are 22 according to the age in your description.




You are of this generation. What "great music" are you referencing? The only music from the 90s (what I'm assuming you think your generation is best represented by) that I can remember are Will Smith's politically correct rapping, NSync and Backstreet Boys fighting to out-gay each other, and the rise of a global sexual attraction to a teenage girl Britney Spears (and you thought I'd say Miley Cyrus).

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I'm trying to say you don't believe in the illuminati because you don't believe in hell? I personally forgot where I was going with this.


I don't believe in the illuminati because it was created for conspiracy nuts like Alex Jones to make money. I don't believe in hell either but that's something completely different

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How would it not be? Grammar takes intelligence to use, it takes time to think about what version of a word to use and where to put punctuation.

It's a gaming forum? How many people go out of there way to make sure they have PERFECT grammar? Not too many do that. I know people with master degrees who don't use good grammar, that makes them stupid?

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Three things:


1. Reddit is part of the media

2. Your news on reddit is likely to be stupid libertarian crap that you can find on any news site that comes from the internet

3. Reddit blows


This is all true..


and I'm quite the same as Elephant... I don't believe in Heaven or Hell... I believe in an afterlife of some type, and I believe in a higher power, but I don't believe in Jesus' bullshit walking on water, everyone has there own opinions..

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It's a gaming forum? How many people go out of there way to make sure they have PERFECT grammar? Not too many do that. I know people with master degrees who don't use good grammar, that makes them stupid?


They should, it's a bit sad if they don't. If you're coming onto gaming forums, making an argument about how another generation is stupid, idiotic, and shitty, it's sad that you can't even spell "idiot" correctly.

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You WHOLE OP is totally based on your opinion, there is not a single fact...


What's good to one person may not be good to another. People can't help what they think is good/bad, stop generalizing.


If you want to talk about your personal opinions then go do so on I blogging site, not here. This is creates a flame war.


And what Laz and Elephant said.

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