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This generation is a bunch of assholes (18+)


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But, I can save you assholes. Stop watching MTV go to a gym, play sports for gods sakes take a break from the game man, enjoy life before you find your self homless sucking snokie dick all day, and about to die at age 30.


Go to the gym? That will "save" us all? You say jersey shore sucks but hey they go to the gym and don't do anything we do so obviously we should copy them. You obviously understand that there are older people in this clan and you just call all of their kids assholes, that seems like a grade A dick move. I'd also love to know what "this generation" is. Is it all the high schoolers? I'm in high school and I was born into this music



Go ahead and call that shit

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Go to the gym? That will "save" us all? You say jersey shore sucks but hey they go to the gym and don't do anything we do so obviously we should copy them. You obviously understand that there are older people in this clan and you just call all of their kids assholes, that seems like a grade A dick move. I'd also love to know what "this generation" is. Is it all the high schoolers? I'm in high school and I was born into this music



Go ahead and call that shit


You Where Looking for this [YOUTUBE]PnaLUx8PyJ8[/YOUTUBE]

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Wow. OK then. Let me demolish you here right quick.


1. "*Don't you miss when you can wear any clothes and be comfortable and enjoy life?"


This is the most inane generalization I've ever seen. Fashion has been a part of culture since culture came to be. If you really want to be comfortable, I'd suggest the loincloth. That probably the last piece of clothing that wasn't somehow manufactured in the name of fashion. Also, it feels nice when a stiff breeze blows up.


2. "*Don't you miss when their were all these good TV shows on like Seinfeld, friends, etc"

You were 8 when Seinfeld ended. If your parents sat you in front of a TV to watch Seinfeld during your formative years, well, it's not surprising they're not on the list of candidates for Parents of the Year.


3 "*Don't you miss when their were no cell phones or faceSHIT"


Cellphones have been a part of mainstream culture since roughly the early 90s. Again, while you were a toddler.


Facebook: Not even going to waste my time on this. Just read this.



Your thread gave me cancer. This is horrible. I wish people who feel the need to post dumb shit like this would fall off a cliff and die.

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Hey guys,


I know what the title says and I will explain why, For the older guys and women in this clan. Have to ask you a few questions and say it out as I read it.


*Don't you miss when you can wear any clothes and be comfortable and enjoy life?

*Don't you miss when their were all these good TV shows on like Seinfeld, friends, etc

*Don't you miss when their were no cell phones or faceSHIT


My point is I feel sorry for this generation, ours had great music, you can say you listen to everything. But with today's generation try finding one good song.

Or for that matter why don't you go listen to a guy that sings about sucking dicks(lil wayen)


This generation is sucks dicks.


You guys think Jersey shore is cool, although, if they started to suck on Snokies dick you think thats cool. Which they do by the way. Or the fatass that sit back watching football all day, but don't play sports.


Or you assholes that think failing highschool is cool?


Let me tell you something this generation has no respect for it's olders, and are a bunch of idoits that smoke weed and suck on each other dicks all day because Vinny is sucking on snokies.


But, I can save you assholes. Stop watching MTV go to a gym, play sports for gods sakes take a break from the game man, enjoy life before you find your self homless sucking snokie dick all day, and about to die at age 30.


Thank you, mr beck.


I like massive over generalizations too.

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First off... Don't start a bullshit talking thread with " Hey guys, " are you insane.. The thread was not greeting.


Wait.. While, I hit the reply button on " F**K Everything.. " Okay..



*Don't you miss when you can wear any clothes and be comfortable and enjoy life?


I'm sorry.. Then I think you need to stop being so worried about wearing clothes just to have people accept you.. That's your fault in this generation, not anyone else. You should not be so stupid to worry about what other people think of you.. You not being yourself is your fault.


*Don't you miss when their were all these good TV shows on like Seinfeld, friends, etc


I believe those shows are still shown on TV. Oh, wait.. They are! I do believe I see them on TV everyday. So, apparently you're too busy watching MTV to find things to complain about rather than watching the shows from "Your Generation".


*Don't you miss when their were no cell phones or faceSHIT


I believe you forgot to add a question-mark at the end of your incomplete sentence. I also believe it's called Facebook. Secondly, Mr. BeckSHIT cell phones has actually saved many peoples lives since they have been invented. Therefore, I believe you can go rot inside of a hole. Facebook is a very good social application that allows individuals to communicate with each other.. Oh, wait.. would you like the old days where you had to send a letter then wait until they receive it and reply? Thirdly.. Then what the hell are you doing on a gaming community, or even on a computer in general. With an argument like that.. Would you not say that people are becoming over-weight and lazy due to spending too much time on the computer? Piss off..


My point is I feel sorry for this generation, ours had great music, you can say you listen to everything. But with today's generation try finding one good song.

Or for that matter why don't you go listen to a guy that sings about sucking dicks(lil wayen)


Everyone has their own personal preference. What is a "Great Song"? That's right.. A great song is defined by the individual(s) listening to it.. Therefore, you specifically stating what is a great song, and not has absolutely NO PLAUSIBLE ARGUMENT. You're arguing about why people listen to "crappy" music, then state that they should on the other hand go listen to 'Lil Wayne'. You're very smart. (Cough)


This generation is sucks dicks.


Well, then you must suck A LOT OF DICK BRO! Last time I checked, you posted this thread in the year 2012. Therefore, I do believe you reside within this generation..


You guys think Jersey shore is cool, although, if they started to suck on Snokies dick you think thats cool. Which they do by the way. Or the fatass that sit back watching football all day, but don't play sports.


I never said Jersey Shore was 'Cool', I also do believe Snookie has a VA-GIN-A, very different from a DICK such as our self..


Or you assholes that think failing highschool is cool?


Failing High-school has nothing to do with being cool. Although I could type out over 4 pages on everything you said and just completely smash you.. I am refraining from doing so, and just simply calling you out on your stupidity. High-school kids tend to fail due to being too worried about what their friends or other people think, thus relating to ditching school to do things they should not so that they can be accepted by society.


Let me tell you something this generation has no respect for it's olders, and are a bunch of idoits that smoke weed and suck on each other dicks all day because Vinny is sucking on snokies.


Again with the Snookie.. You obsessed bro, maybe possibly jealous that you wasn't the one fucking Snookie. It's ok.. I'll buy you a "Look-A-Like Snookie Blow-up Doll". I have met quite a few individuals which whom have respect for other people, even people their age. Smoking weed does not make you a horrible person, nor does it classify you as a lazy idiotic dick sucking person. So, stfu.

But, I can save you assholes. Stop watching MTV go to a gym, play sports for gods sakes take a break from the game man, enjoy life before you find your self homless sucking snokie dick all day, and about to die at age 30.


How about you save your own damn life, and stop worrying about everyone else. You're the fucking asshole for coming on to our gaming community, and talking shit about pretty much 90% of this entire community. So, you can go fuck yourself. These people are my friends, and I really don't appreciate you disrespecting them.. These people are from THIS GENERATION. Wow, again with the Snookies dick..




Thank you, mr beck.


No, thank you Mr. BeckSHIT.. 'Cause we all now know our exact decision for when you make an attempt to try and apply to be a member in THIS GENERATIONS GAMING COMMUNITY.

Edited by Tengauge12
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Hey guys,


I know what the title says and I will explain why, For the older guys and women in this clan. Have to ask you a few questions and say it out as I read it.


*Don't you miss when you can wear any clothes and be comfortable and enjoy life?

*Don't you miss when their were all these good TV shows on like Seinfeld, friends, etc

*Don't you miss when their were no cell phones or faceSHIT


My point is I feel sorry for this generation, ours had great music, you can say you listen to everything. But with today's generation try finding one good song.

Or for that matter why don't you go listen to a guy that sings about sucking dicks(lil wayen)


This generation is sucks dicks.


You guys think Jersey shore is cool, although, if they started to suck on Snokies dick you think thats cool. Which they do by the way. Or the fatass that sit back watching football all day, but don't play sports.


Or you assholes that think failing highschool is cool?


Let me tell you something this generation has no respect for it's olders, and are a bunch of idoits that smoke weed and suck on each other dicks all day because Vinny is sucking on snokies.


But, I can save you assholes. Stop watching MTV go to a gym, play sports for gods sakes take a break from the game man, enjoy life before you find your self homless sucking snokie dick all day, and about to die at age 30.


Thank you, mr beck.


I feel like This should be Moved to the Blog section. This OP seems like some Blog Type shit.


It is ignorant shit like this that makes me disappointed.


There are plenty of good shows on T.V. but apparently you are too lazy to search though all the channels that exist to find something you like


You can wear what ever you want look at this guy for example. He could give a shit-less about your opinion. Hes gonna wear what ever he thinks is good.



It is also obvious to me that you have a difficulty with technology seeing as that you have something against cell phones. Even though (according to your forum age) you Lived your childhood through the 1990s and by the time you were 10 most of people in America had a little flip phone or were playing snake on their nokia.


Also going off of the fact that you are a 90's baby music was shit when you were born and 95% of the musicians you listened to when you were even allowed to listen to curse words are still putting out the same bullshit today.


People watch Jersey Shore for their own reasons. I watched because I view it as a comedy. I think how they act is funny and you have no right to judge how they make their money because if someone threw hundreds of thousands of dollars at you to be a drunken fool, you would drop all your self-esteem in a heart beat and take the check.


No one believes failing high school is cool. everyone has their personal reasons for dropping out or not doing well. For you to make that broad sweeping generalization makes you the asshole.


No respect. Your entire OP is disrespectful. You are not setting any examples here for those younger then you.


Instead of coming on to our wonderful forum filled with all varieties of people and raging about this generation being bad remember that your OP does absolutely nothing to change things you do not like. So how about You go outside and try to do something about the shit that you do not like. My suggestion, you come at it with a more respectful tone because if you talked to someone like that they would probably punch you in the face. I know I would.

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Hey guys,


I know what the title says and I will explain why, For the older guys and women in this clan. Have to ask you a few questions and say it out as I read it.


*Don't you miss when you can wear any clothes and be comfortable and enjoy life?

*Don't you miss when their were all these good TV shows on like Seinfeld, friends, etc

*Don't you miss when their were no cell phones or faceSHIT


My point is I feel sorry for this generation, ours had great music, you can say you listen to everything. But with today's generation try finding one good song.

Or for that matter why don't you go listen to a guy that sings about sucking dicks(lil wayen)


This generation is sucks dicks.


You guys think Jersey shore is cool, although, if they started to suck on Snokies dick you think thats cool. Which they do by the way. Or the fatass that sit back watching football all day, but don't play sports.


Or you assholes that think failing highschool is cool?


Let me tell you something this generation has no respect for it's olders, and are a bunch of idoits that smoke weed and suck on each other dicks all day because Vinny is sucking on snokies.


But, I can save you assholes. Stop watching MTV go to a gym, play sports for gods sakes take a break from the game man, enjoy life before you find your self homless sucking snokie dick all day, and about to die at age 30.


Thank you, mr beck.


Although I could say a lot, I leave you my image macro



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