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This is my build for Talon, BLOW UP STUFF =D


Personal opinion about this guy:


Talon is an all around fun character to play. He's arrogant, merciless and full of bursty lulz.

He is AD heavy and reliant on working with his team to SURVIVE but to pick off idiotic champions that venture out on their own. He can however be easily countered by smart CC, well placed warding and ensuring your AD/AP carry doesn't go out on their own.


Early game if he's played top, make sure to gank as much as you can if top lane is struggling to beat him.

Champion I can think of that can counter him well top lane is Yorick, garen, olaf...

I noticed early game, he's a bit more mana dependent due to the rake.


On the positive note, as talon, you have a very good harass (your rake) and extremely powerful burst at level 6 (with ignite, it can surely get you a kill against a dumb summoner who underestimates your abilities). To add to the stewing pot of lulz, your e will proc all your abilities to do more damage (15% more). It may seem like a small percentage but don't underestimate that. Your q makes AP/AD carries cry when they try to escape with next to no health. (useless against really well built tanks). Your w is NOT for farming early game however late game,you can use it to build up your blood thirsties (if you go down that route).



Summoner Spells




My standard pic in Summoner's Rift. If you're feeling a bit more insecure, feel free to grab exhaust or teleport.


When I play talon top, I generally don't get teleport as to asserting my top lane dominance :P







This is my current set up on AD carries. Although it has no flat AD runes (I do like the extra AD), I have had a preference for armor penetration. The way I see it is that, unless I'm facing someone with a lot of armor, for the most part it will destroy. That being said, I've been dominated top lane because they built armor early game (another good counter to any AD bruiser that being said).


I like having a bit more HP up top when I fight and with the flat armor and magic resistance, you can burn a bit more your lane.


With my summoner masteries in place, I get 21 flat armor penetration plus the 10% mastery buff. It works quite well for mid too.


This was my old AD carry build.


10 more armor penetration for the loss of HP buff.





A few notes about this mastery set up, you can ignore Arcane Knowledge and opt the point into something else like Demolitionist if you feel like pushing. I also change up Executioner depending who I'm playing against. If I'm playing against squishies, I can opt Executioner/Arcane Knowledge out to help with farm or keep one of them. Maybe even a defensive trait. Play around to see what suits your build.




Depending who you're facing top, you can opt for either boots + 3x pots or Doran's blade.


Doran's blade is not recommended if you're insecure about your lane or you're facing a lane with ALOT of harass. You will want to opt for either boots or cloth armor. (I personally avoid cloth armor but it's not like you can't use it xD).


Next, depending on what you buy, you'd want to get another doran's blade and boots (or two doran's blades if you opted to go boots). This will help you life steal back. You should have at least a Brutalizer by mid game phase. Finish your boots based on who you're facing. (ninja tabi or merc treads)


For lulz, opt for Boots of Mobility xD


If you can grab a few ganks either mid top or bottom... yay... but you don't have to especially if the enemy is warding.


You can then grab a sheen (for the mana and proc). It may seem useless to get sheen first because none of Talon's abilities have ability power stacking, but the point is the proc.


Afterwards, grab either Phage or Zeal. Complete your T-Force.


This is where things will get tricky. If you're getting kills with ease (or with less ganks), you can start building your blood dirsters. These things will make you hurt alot and give you good survivability. In not so serious games, I'd just flat out build bloodthirsters and it would be a joke the amount of AD >.<.


However, it is not practical to build full out blood thirsters. For that, I would build 1-2 bloodthirsters, a banshee's veil (for those CC heavy teams). If you want a slow (YOU ALREADY HAVE ONE FFS), frozen mallet. (but seriously your slow is bad enough as it is).


If you really wanted to be an asshole about armor penetration, get a last whisper. (sell the brutalizer).


Guardians' Angel is another item I recommend based on if you're getting focused easily.


In my opinion, the mid-game core items for Talon are: bloodthirster, brutaliser, triforce.




Depending on which lane you call or get assigned to, your gameplay style should change accordingly.


As a top champ, when you face a squishier AD bruiser (not like garen), you can probably just farm and harass (NOT FARM) with your w.


Against garen, use your W is prevent his passive from procing that way he can't passively recover health. With Garen, he will and can silence + spin2win.


Against champions that can counter you well like Yorick (unless you're harassing him early game), you should primarily be focused on last hitting and getting your jungle to gank whenever they can.


Early game, play defensive as much as you can and capitalize on your opponents bad moves. Watch how they play, if they're playing aggressive and letting minions hit them alot... punish them! silence + rake + noxian diplomacy. Don't try to flat out go for the kill but make sure they know who is BOSS.


Now that being said, don't be an idiot and push way too far. I know rake can really cause issues if you're trying to last hit only so save that for champs when they come to close to you. Always for the love of god, ward top if you're top. When you're mid, grab wards for top and bot transition bushes. It will make it easier for you to burst down those champs and not get ganked.


If you're mid, most of the time, you will get a squishy. Feel free to punish them with raking more often but BE AWARE your mana pool will drain faster, a lot faster.


Mid game, once you have your core items... i'ts time for you to go blow up some people especialyl those carries xD


Depending on how smart you've played, you should have a bloodthirster, a triforce and a brutalizer to the least. Farm up your blood thirster and start roaming. If your jungler has enough money for more wards, utilise them to your advantage to get sight into their jungle/lanes. If their AD carry is alone trying to get red (And most AD champs should be able to get red solo but shouldn't be), destroy THEM. and take the red xD


You can get blue for longer mana supply but try to give that to your AP carry first rather than take it.

?I guess you can go into their jungle and steal their blue.


Late game, after you have all your items, the other team should have smartened up by now and have gotten armor items along with smart CC so this is where you should be capitalizing on their mistakes and NOT ENGAGING the enemy team. You can use W to harass but it is risky business as if they're smart, they'll capitalize on your harass.


In my opinion, what you need to do is IF you choose to engage, you better make sure your team commits WITH YOU. Your only escape is your ultimate and if they're smart enough, they'll have wards and/or oracle(s). Furthermore, they'll probably have their AD/AP carry in the back. Champs like Caitlyn and Tristana have amazing range on their autoattack so BE CAREFUL with your team as they can get DPSed down by these champs.


Go for the AP nuke or AD carry (whichever is higher threat) and burst them down. If you can't, make sure they cannot come back and make you pay for it. Do not however be an idiot and chase them where you could ultimately get ganked back.

Edited by enigma#
per laz's explaination
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For the record, buying Youmoo's (or other armor pen) reduces the damage boost you get from Last Whisper. The flat armor pen is applied first followed by the percent armor pen. In other words, the more armor pen you buy in items (Brutalizer, Youmoo's, Bonetooth Necklace) and runes (Desolation) or masteries, the less armor there will be left to penetrate for the 40% from LW. Youmoo's drives the cost efficiency of LW fairly down (for an item that is already very cost inefficient), so getting both in the same build is often a bad idea. Look at the enemy armor, and if they are getting lots of it (they should be against Talon), go for LW. Usually, selling an early brutalizer for a late LW is the best decision.

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For the record, buying Youmoo's (or other armor pen) reduces the damage boost you get from Last Whisper. The flat armor pen is applied first followed by the percent armor pen. In other words, the more armor pen you buy in items (Brutalizer, Youmoo's, Bonetooth Necklace) and runes (Desolation) or masteries, the less armor there will be left to penetrate for the 40% from LW. Youmoo's drives the cost efficiency of LW fairly down (for an item that is already very cost inefficient), so getting both in the same build is often a bad idea. Look at the enemy armor, and if they are getting lots of it (they should be against Talon), go for LW. Usually, selling an early brutalizer for a late LW is the best decision.


Good point. I do like the brutalizer for early game burst but I didn't know LW fucked up youmoo's xD


Fixed my build to reflect what you said.

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