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Introductions - <OC> MEXaCAN


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I figured i would provide a little intro to who i am.


I have been playing on this jailbreak server for the past 3 weeks. For the most part some good folks on here. I ussually like to play CT but am still not used to the way you folks play.


I will say a couple things about me.


I follow the rules.

I do have a laptop at the moment, so there are times where i forget to disable my touchpad....if i do this and accidently freekill, i will slay ASAP.

I follow the rules of my Warden...if he tells me to go camp in vents, i camp in vents. If this is not valid the adjust MOTD to say that a WARDEN cannot override the MOTD within reason.

I will speak my mind if an Admin is abusing or targeting. I am on steam chat - IM me if you have a problem. I dont think there are many who can see what happens in the ingame chat as far as warnings or admin notes are concerned. If an admin tells me to stop doing somthing or to shut up or stop disrespecting, i will apologize and obey.



Im not one of these young punks who is only looking to be a jerk on the servers. Some of you have played with me long enough and know that im not going to be a dick.


I have been an admin on 3pG and am now a member of Organized Chaos...we are all good guys.



again, Hello and I will see you on the servers.

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