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*Report* ~ NoYou


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1. Abuser name:[HG] NoYOU- the Inmate

2. Their Steam Id:0:0:54402229

3. What server:Jail Break

4. About what time:9:30 ish


6. Please tell us about the incident NoYou move hims self from Terrorist to Counter-Terrorists by using his admin powers witch caused the CT (Counter-Terrorist) to be stacked. Jail Break was designed to use the team balancer to maintain 2 T per 1 CT.



Edited by Bonbon
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well to honest it was my udnerstanding with being a pay admin we have the priviedge to mvoe our selfs if lead r needed , if the ratio is to meessed up, we cant even switch our self as admins i dont see how this is abuse when its in the powers abilitys set in the server, if the ratio is to far gone alrdy we arent able to move our self it was still in the range , were i though as said by bon bon that i was in the clear

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There were enough leads on CT and I see that there was no need for you to be moved to CT.


What do you mean by "it was still in the range"-Noyou

- From what i take that you say that by doing what you did the ratio was 2 T per 1 Ct at the time of this transition?



As a note, If the ratio didn't matter then why is it in place in the first place.

Edited by Chris12
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as i said it is in the admin priviledge put in to the server to be able to move ur self and as u see by the team wins/losses it was second day after server crash and people were still joining up to the server


stop trying to put words into my mouth,

"- From what i take that you say that by doing what you did the ratio was 2 T per 1 Ct at the time of this transition? "



no the ratio was off , but as ive said 3 times now it was to my udnerstanding and admin had the priviledge to movpe hims elf even if it messing ratio slightly , ebcuase there is still a ratio limite were an admin is not allowed to switch,



note- if laws are in place why do you need police.? As a note, If the ratio didn't matter then why is it in place in the first place.

Edited by NoYOU
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In that case wait on spectator until the server lets you join Ct so you don't have an unfair advantage over getting a position on CT over a normal regular.""




why would i whent his is why i bought admin to have the priviledge to move my self, in this case sounds like your upset or somthing , trying to find anyway to see me in trouble, i dont udnerstand really why your upset about it its im my beleif and training as an admin that i was allowed, if you want this priviledge than buy admin


waiting for someone to review becuase us talking like this is pointless, it was my beleive i was allowed to now ill wait

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Faded said to post this, so I'll just leave this here


A ratio of 12:21, and ESPECIALLY 16:31 is nothing to be concerned over, and in fact it happens all the time naturally from Ts disconnecting. And guess what, it always fixes itself. Usually within a few minutes (less than a round!)


And the bottom line is, we actually do allow admins to slightly disrupt the ratio, by moving themselves over to the other team. We offer this as a perk of purchasing admin, and we aren't going to punish people for something this mild.


So here's what's gunna happen, so we never get an abuse report like this again. The script will now make sure that

Admins will now be able to move their friends over to CT and disrupt the ratio by 2 Ts.

Admins will now be able to move themselves over to CT and disrupt the ratio by 4 Ts.


Example 1. If there are 10 CTs and 20 Ts, an admin can move their friend who is in spectate to the CT team, making the new ratio 11 CTs to 20 Ts (ratio disrupted by 2 Ts).

Example 2. If there are 11 CTs and 20 Ts, an admin can move themself, assuming they are in spectate, to the CT team, making the new ratio 12 CTs to 20 Ts (ratio disrupted by 4 Ts).


This new policy will be effective by tomorrow at 3 PST, when the server restarts.


Oh, and not abuse.

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Not abuse, as per what Broken quoted me on in the above post.


As a new added perk admins are able to jump the queue and switch themselves over to CT (the script I wrote will automatically prevent this if it makes the ratio too messed up).


I appreciate the concern, chris, and I know admins haven't always been able to do this, but again this is just a new perk we've added to attract people to buy admin.

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