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first reaction last reaction

Huge Penis

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Gentelmen please, contain your e-peens.


As someone in this thread has said, there is no rule that says you must announce that "we are now playing last reactin/first reaction". If there was, it would be in the MOTD. But because it's not, it's NOT in the motd. I mean, it's like saying "You didn't say ooga booga before you took lead, so your orders are invalid. But you'll have to take my word on it. It is a rule, it's just not in the MOTD"


On a side note though, I do miss slaz's MOTD. was a bitch to re-read it like twice a week, but meh.

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so we cant we have a rule like that bonbon?

so we avoid the confusions?

or we can just randomly yell last reaction jump?

Im going to make a day just for you. Ill give normal orders then randomly say last reaction jump

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