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Huge Penis admin abuse -Freeslay/mass Tlisting-


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1. Abuser name: Huge Penis

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:27816403

3. What server: jailbreak

4. About what time: 10 minutes ago

5. PROOF: https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?sf=aid&so=is&st=0:27816403 http://www.mediafire.com/?8tfd2qt8vt7oftk (Tick 64000)

6. Please tell us about the incident : in the demo it shows something rather interesting, headband was supposed to pick his LR partner and he chooses mccain... to sum it all up someone FK's mccain and literally not even a half of a second later huge penis was killed since he was supposed to be. he in return slays the person who killed him because someone else fucked up. to me i believe it isnt a valid reason to slay someone.


also within a month hes tlisted over 100 players without even making a tlist report, yesterday he tlisted 15 people within 24 hours... those numbers are completely outrageous and i was wondering if upper management could investigate into that.

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gee that was very expected from boxer

guy only knows to report other admins

i slayed the person who killed me cause its LR

and doesnt matter if its a second later or 2 hours later its still a freekill

and as for as the tlists

well i warn people and most of the tlists happen in times where other admins are on and also warn people like i do

but yea boxer good job trying to screw someone else out of his money

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i know the procedure

i also follow it

i tend to skip the templock when the guy is a massive derp and decides that he is not listening to admins order/intructions

the fact that i didnt type it here in the forum doesnt mean i dont know it or dont follow it


I suggest you take proof of all tlists, record demo everytime you enter jb, you dont have proof then you cant prove that all those tlists were legit.


As for the current abuse the link is not working so waiting for him to post new link.

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can u pm me the guide of making a demo?

since i usually dont do it

as far as the freeslay

i dont have a doubt in my mind that it was a freeslay

mccain can verify this

and its just boxer that hates me


I will pm you all info about how to record demo as per that abuse i ll make decision after reviewing demo.

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