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Jailbreak warn/slay/templock/tlist /repeat


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I was just had some questions about the format we are supposed to deal with CTs who break the rules on the Jailbreak server.


There are a lot of times where I'm the only admin (or admin who actually enforces the rules) on in Jailbreak. When I'm the only one doing 'admin' things, I sometimes skip the warn/slay phase and go right to templock (usually for 5 rounds or so), especially when there are a lot of derp CTs. Then of course the person protest there case, and i tell them its for X amount of rounds, it's not going to kill them. Is this acceptable?


Also, when I am playing at regular hours, I skip the warn, and go to slay. Then some other admins (never anyone that is DA or above) say "make sure you warn first". I usually ignore them because these are the same admins that I RARELY see do any 'admin' things and there is sometimes a DA or higher on, and I'd think if I was in the wrong they would say something.


Lastly, I sometimes see someone in leadership say something like "Baiters will be t-listed/temp-locked" when there is quite a few CTs doing it. IS this something that I would be able to do as well? Or should I leave it up to DA+ to do that, and just constantly slay/templock/tlist. I feel that is much more effective then /slay "Don't bait", /slay "dont bait" /slay "dont bait".


I feel like what I do is completely ok as it is to enforce the rules that are laid out for all players, and to make it more enjoyable for all. If it's not, please let me know and I will follow the warn/slay/templock/tlist routine. I always have a demo running, so I'm not really afraid of abuse reports since I always have evidence to back up my punishments.

Edited by zidian
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There are a lot of times where I'm the only admin (or admin who actually enforces the rules) on in Jailbreak. When I'm the only one doing 'admin' things, I sometimes skip the warn/slay phase and go right to templock (usually for 5 rounds or so), especially when there are a lot of derp CTs. Then of course the person protest there case, and i tell them its for X amount of rounds, it's not going to kill them. Is this acceptable?

If its someone you warned a bunch of times then you wouldn't have to rewarn them again the next day if that's what you mean. But you should be warning anyone else.


Also, when I am playing at regular hours, I skip the warn, and go to slay.

If its just an honest freekill then the slay is the warning, but you should give them enough time to slay themselves to see if they knew they freekilled or not.


I sometimes see someone in leadership say something like "Baiters will be t-listed/temp-locked" when there is quite a few CTs doing it. IS this something that I would be able to do as well? Or should I leave it up to DA+ to do that, and just constantly slay/templock/tlist. I feel that is much more effective then /slay "Don't bait", /slay "dont bait" /slay "dont bait". [/QuOTE]

That's how you are supposed to do it, that's called giving warnings.

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Just to be safe, I would ALWAYS warn first, because some people will go report you for abuse, then you explain to leadership all this and its just a big mess. I always see if the people have a history by searching there steam id on the hgbans section, if they have a history of derping on ct (ex. freekilling/baiting) ill normally just t-list. also, before you use your powers on someone else, always make sure they are not admin by typing !who "players name" in chat (no quotes) because sometimes some random will buy admin & we definitley cannot have admin on admin going on

best regards,

[HG] Martin

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It's not hard to say, "hey, don't do that.".........


Great post and dead on.


I've seen quite a few folks who simply t-list right away. There are some circumstances where that's fine but more times than not a simple message to the player will suffice. If not, then escalate the response to the rule breaking as needed.


One of the downfalls of selling admin is that you have quite a few "kids" who get the power and then feel the need to use it at every turn. That turns people away from playing here and in the end, the community loses. That said, there are quite a few good paid admins who understand what being an admin means and uses their power when appropriate.



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Follow slay templock tlist.


If you a see derp who you have warned/slayed b4 and you know for sure its the same derp you are allowed to templock.


After each and every slay/templock tell them what they did was wrong so they know not to do it again.


Sometime you see someone who derps every single day then those derps deserves to be templocked right away. exa https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?sf=bid&so=is&st=STEAM_0%3A1%3A1860113





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There are different circumstances in which I do things that I believe are fair. I won't write them all down but I will put what I can on the top of my head.


Warnings: If I see any CT's baiting I put into all chat and/or voice (depending if I'm muted by death or beginning of round) that Ct's should not ever bait or get within knife range of a T. I do this so every CT gets to the warning phase. If they continue or seem to not have listened I include their name because maybe they didn't hear me. Any continuation will cause me to take further action. Furthermore, if I slay someone for a rule that may differ here from other servers (IE only kill if they are red) I make them the example and then give the ALL warning to CTs as to why this person did wrong and the correct way it should be done. The slain person is used as an example so CTs would be aware.


Slay: This usually comes after a freekill, if a CT is camping before last guard, or if the CT REALLY does not want to listen to the warden's order. Usually this is followed by an explanation as to why they were slain.


Tlock: This comes almost always after a person has repeatedly offended after the top. The tlock round time varies on the offense. There are few instances where I will skip slay and go into tlock. The reason would be that obviously they need to learn the rules of this server and shouldn't be a CT for a little while. If it isn't such a big offense I just tlock for 1 round. I tell them to re-read the motd. The reason I do this is so that they can learn a bit more about how the server rules are applied and differ from other server's. After all I believe all CT's should be a T for a long while before trying out guards because going directly CT can get you in big trouble. I just want to prevent the newbies from frequently messing up in the future.


TLIST:This one obviously goes after all the ones above. The only way I ever usually INSTA-TLIST is if they blatantly Mass Freekill. Then boom goes the Tlist and the demo'd report.


That's all I can think of now and I'll probably post more if I think it's necessary.

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jake this is a reply to you

sometimes the server fills up a bit like having 45+ people

and there are like 3 admin online

2 of them bought it just to slay the people who freekilled them and dont do anything more than that

and u have to take care of like 7 cts who are constantly baiting and gunplanting in smart ways and freekilling

to actually templock all of them is not right i agree with that

but when some of them get it and the others see it

it stops

its like taking the video game from a kid when he is beign naughty

so if u need to teach like 10 cts who are breaking the rules constantly so they stop and the game flows

a couple tlists and templocks without warning like 9 times in a row will do better then just saying

hey dont do that

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