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My Baby Girl!


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Alyssa Marie Houser[/hr]


My baby girl was born Saturday, the 12th.

I went in Friday after work, because my Fiancee was feeling very uncomfortable down there. She hadn't been checked yet, and was due for it Tuesday, but she thought she couldn't wait until then.

When we went in, the nurse checked her and told her she was already dilated 4 cm. We were both shocked because she was only 36 weeks, and were not expecting that, at all.


Anyways, Friday went through a long night, only getting to about 6 cm. When Saturday came, the doctor finally came in to see her and checked her, broke her water, and then took a little sonogram. She was breech, so we had to go through with a cesarean. After she was born she was put into NICU because she had some fluid in her lungs, and they needed to watch her for Jaundice.


It's been a long hard week not being able to see my girl whenever I wanted, but its worth the wait. She's worth the wait.


Going back and forth everyday is costly, and emotionally and physically exhausting. I fell asleep at my job plenty of times, not to mention in the car too...


Without further adieu, I have attached images of my sunshine. She has already made me strive to become a better person, and she doesn't even know it.



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