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Slight dissapointment with the administration of this server


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So I started playing on this server just a little over a day ago because my friends well telling me to get on and since I enjoy playing PERP, I thought why not and play with my friends. However there have been some ridiculous moments that have been coming from the admins and it just seems completely stupid. In the couple of hours I have been given so many threats for dumb things it is just retarded.


Example, I finally manage to play long enough to be able to get a job so I do, I get a car and within 5 minutes, I am driving and a random car comes smashing into me when he was driving on the wrong side of the road. He stops but I am about to drive away but he starts telling me to stop. So I stop, the person that hit me happened to be one of the admins and he started to threaten me that he was going to blacklist me because I was driving recklessly and hit him even though I was driving on the correct side of the road and he was on the wrong side. Another time, I was in a firetruck. I started to back in to a spot and a car come and drives over the curb and smashes into the back of my truck. The car drives away but I start getting yelled at for my "reckless" driving and again, threatened I was going to be black listed. Another time as a firemen, For some reason everyone piles in front of the nexus and there is a bunch of people running across the street and the road is most of the time back with parked cars so I try to maneuver around them only to find a random guy or cop run right in front of the car and he gets run over. Again, I get blamed for reckless driving and threatened about a black list.


Another example, I was a paramedic, about 5 people needed health and I was healing them but one guy started yelling at me how he was going to get me blacklisted because I wasn't healing him even though I was going to each person in the group. Then another time I saw one of my friends drugs growing, an admin came by and was specing me or something and started saying how I was going to be black listed because I wasn't reporting the crime which yes I know I should have and will do now that I know the rules for government officials however later on I see people as medics going around with their friends raiding other people and I know some admins (at least one, don't think it was the same one) do witness it and do nothing.


This just gets all frustrating with all these threats about being blacklisted for the most retarded reasons. I feel like they look at me and think, "Oh, he is new, we can do and say what we want to him but others like my friends can do what they want". It just makes the place not friendly and not fun to play.

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we just recently got new perp moderators, that could be the reason. I suggest recording using fraps, or something because gmod demo's dont work yet.


yeah, might be a good idea same. With fraps I can then edit the video and pull out the section where it happens instead of someone having to sit through a few hour long time.

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I think you need to realize that "Enjoy your blacklist" or "Get banned" is not term used by the proper Mods and admins of the perp server. These are however, common terms for the idiots on the server who aren't willing to be nice to you cause they are either hung up on something you did a while back, or because you are new.


Most of these people don't record...usually because they do stuff that would get themselves into trouble. The IGN names who are admins are:


DNA: Daniel Fong

Paradyze: Paradhze Fong......i think

Suicide: Suicide Doe/Aye Suicide

Archer: Archer

TehPlayer: Gangnam Style

Toxic: ?

Rizon: Rizon

Austin: Aye Monkey

Fatherblessing: Father Blessing

Mark: Mark?


These are the guys who have the powers to blacklist you. They will not do anything to you unless you do break the rules, but unless you're CDM'ing 20 people, you should be warned first.


The people who are yelling at you are noobs. You need to watch out because Firemen are usually the most likely to go around running everyone over. This is because it's the closest to spawn, only takes 4 hours.....and you get a massive truck. Due to Firemen being the most "Noob" job, people will have a bad attitude towards you until they realize you aren't about to run them over just because you feel like it.


Hope I helped.

Edited by WhataWackaMonk
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The IGN names who are admins are:


DNA: Daniel Fong

Paradyze: Paradhze Fong......i think

Suicide: Suicide Doe/Aye Suicide

Archer: Archer

TehPlayer: Gangnam Style

Toxic: ?

Rizon: Rizon

Austin: Aye Monkey

Fatherblessing: Father Blessing


Such a dissapointment...

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I think you need to realize that "Enjoy your blacklist" or "Get banned" is not term used by the proper Mods and admins of the perp server. These are however, common terms for the idiots on the server who aren't willing to be nice to you cause they are either hung up on something you did a while back, or because you are new.


Most of these people don't record...usually because they do stuff that would get themselves into trouble. The IGN names who are admins are:


DNA: Daniel Fong

Paradyze: Paradhze Fong......i think

Suicide: Suicide Doe/Aye Suicide

Archer: Archer

TehPlayer: Gangnam Style

Toxic: ?

Rizon: Rizon

Austin: Aye Monkey

Fatherblessing: Father Blessing


These are the guys who have the powers to blacklist you. They will not do anything to you unless you do break the rules, but unless you're CDM'ing 20 people, you should be warned first.


The people who are yelling at you are noobs. You need to watch out because Firemen are usually the most likely to go around running everyone over. This is because it's the closest to spawn, only takes 4 hours.....and you get a massive truck. Due to Firemen being the most "Noob" job, people will have a bad attitude towards you until they realize you aren't about to run them over just because you feel like it.


Hope I helped.


thanks for helping debrit.


As for the issues that you are having ikki5, some of those situations are circumstantial and can always be worked out and if it's coming to the point were your getting harassed just doing your job come to one of GMOD's PERP Moderators, Division Advisors and if that doesn't help come find myself or HG | Mark (Div Leader) and we'll see what we can do.


As for the medic abuse, please record and submit for blacklist report on hellsgamers.com/hgbans or type /report [then your message] and admins in game will do what they can.


PM me on forums if you have any additional questions. Thanks.

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