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I have a couple questions about being a Police officer.


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1. I got in trouble two times yesterday and although I'm not saying the mod is a bad one, I just want to know what you guys think, I was walking by Clothes when a guy wanted to troll me, so he pulled out a loaded AK-47 walked up to the back of my head, and aimed it at me, according to: "5. If your life or someone else's is directly threatened, you may use lethal force." from the Police rules, it says I can use lethal force, meaning I could of turned around and shot him in the face, but pulling my gun out would of taken long, so I arrested him with no warning. I figured, hey, having a loaded assault rifle in your face is pretty life threatening, and if I was allowed to shoot him, I'm allowed to arrest him, but I got a warning from a mod that was nearby saying I should have told him to remove the weapon, which would have gotten me killed.

2. The second time, I was bored, so I was driving around the little circle in the roads that goes around AMPM and Bank, and the same guy was sitting there camping, and shooting at my car as I went by, he finally blew up my car as I crashed, and I ran away, I came back, and sniper tazed him, we had a police Chief there as well with his tazer out, and I was yelling over the mic to hurry up and warrant him, m taze ran out, he ran towards me with a loaded M4, so I just arrested him, I saw no where in the rules that I had to get a warrant every single time, and besides, I didn't know being tazed unloaded the gun, so I arrested him out of fear, because I thought he could of easily got up and shot me, and since he was going to be arrested any way, I just arrested him with no warrant.

3. My third question is, can I use my car as a weapon instead of my gun? If someone is standing in the middle of the road, and is shooting at my car, can I speed up and run him over, instead of hopping out and shooting back? Because either way, I would have killed him.


Thaaaaaaaaaaank youuuuuuuuuu! :D

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1. You are right.

2. You are right.

3. No, you cannot use your car as a lethal weapon (not in real life at least). Officers lose their jobs over things like that. You can only use your car in that sense when your target is in a similarly sized vehicle (can't use it on motorcyclists).

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I would go over the Scott v. Harris holding that regarded "unlawful" deadly force as that which is unnecessary to the situation, but I think I'll just leave it to Clark:


Don't do shit like that.


It's RP. You play the game like it would happen in real life. Officers cannot use their vehicles as deadly force on pedestrians, and until fairly recently they couldn't even use it on other vehicles.

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1. That one is a bet sketchy. Yes, there's no reason to be aiming a gun at you, especially in public. But then again, that brings up the whole thing of "omg I wasn't aiming it at you, it was the guy next to you". This is why cops have speed, if he would of shot you without you telling him anything, that's RDM. But you have the speed to make it behind him with a gun aimed and tell him to take it off. I don't think auto-arresting someone is proper in that case.


2. So, your car gets shot at, you taze him without a warrant, and then he pulls out an M4 and trys to shoot you? Anyone who tells you thats a random arrest is dead wrong. Unless NLR came into play (with you not being sure if he already died before) then that is 100% a legit arrest, with a warrant or without one.


3. Nope. This was discussed in the meeting before, cops SHOULDN'T be using their car as weapons. They have a tazer for a reason. However, that is not the case for citizens. If citizens are being shot at/tazed by a cop, apparently the citizen can run the cop over.

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My take on this:


1. You're fine. He pointed a gun at your face, and even if you did take out your gun to shoot him, he would have been arrested anyways (assuming you won the firefight).

2. You're fine.

3. If he's shooting at your car, it's probably already blown up by the time you get anywhere close to him. Getting out of your car + trying to take him from a distance (cause cop pistol/tazer = 100% accuracy) would be the better bet. But no, you shouldn't speed and run him over.

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Thanks for making it clear! I was concerned because I roleplayed like that as a cop BEFORE I became a HG recruit, and a week later, I continued with what I thought was okay, and I start getting in trouble, and I was like "Shit, I'm not going to make it to member at this rate, I don't necessary agree with what's going on, I'll ask the peeps on PERP" so then I posted this, and @Suicide, you where there when the first one happened, I saw you getting in your car, and I after I arrested him the first time, I started speaking over the mic saying "Was I supposed to do that?" and was expecting you to get out and confront me, but it was the other mod that scolded me.

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