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Gaming snack foods.


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explains why you like aessop so much


oh snap. you so funnaaay :) But no, it's his farmers tan and redneck accent that get me going.

:3 <3


You realize, diet is just as bad as regular right?


I drink water and eat tons of Frito's. SO GOOD.


I was once fat for like a year. (really.)

I lost over 50 lbs, mainly by switching to sugar free drinks instead of normal soda. (and working out).

hard diet food (like cookies etc) is bs cause when it contains "less sugar" it contains way more fat and vice versa. Fluids on the other hand, or yoghurt and whatnot, are actually a lot better sugarfree/diet version than normal. To lose weight, that is.

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I lost over 50 lbs, mainly by switching to sugar free drinks instead of normal soda. (and working out).

hard diet food (like cookies etc) is bs cause when it contains "less sugar" it contains way more fat and vice versa. Fluids on the other hand, or yoghurt and whatnot, are actually a lot better sugarfree/diet version than normal. To lose weight, that is.

And this is now a weight loss thread

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