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Study Tips?


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Before I dive right in to my topic I would like to say if this is in the wrong section I apologize so please just move it to the correct section if it isn't.


Alright so my topic is studying tips. Yes, I know there could've been a better source for doing this, but I know that they're some intelligent people in HG so i'm going to ask you guys. So with the 1st marking period coming to an end I have a couple grades I would like to boost up. Good news is there are some big tests right at the end of the marking period that could help those grades significantly. So my question is what are some good studying tips and habits that help you guys succeed well on quizzes/tests?


Post your comments below and please stay on topic and don't turn this into a rage thread.




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Assuming you take notes in all of the classes-


Review the notes, try and have someone quiz you (E.g Spanish- Have someone hold your notes or something and quiz you like (I only took spanish one so it's gonna be simple but)


Have a sibling, parent, close friend, etc say something like


Pencil (You answer lapiz)


etc etc


Biology might be a bit harder, but watch youtube videos on it, be specific on the material of the test.


It might be boring, but look lectures up.


I don't know what you're studying, but here's an example:




Geometry- There are plenty of math tutor sites out there.


Google them



Hope I helped

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1. Ask for assistance when you need it. This includes during class as well as after/around class time. Do not be afraid to come to your teacher's room during THEIR lunch break or grading session to ask for help on something you don't quite get (making an appointment with them ahead of time is advised).

2. Find friends to work on homework/study notes with. Go over your classes with other people in the same class in case there is a detail or explanation that you missed.

3. Re-copy your notes in a separate notebook/on your computer. Writing notes is important. Re-writing notes is almost as helpful. It will jog your memory if things you learned and even help you re-remember things you may have already missed.

4. Do not try and cram, but do freshen up what you learned before a test/quiz. Don't try and blow off learning material until it's time to test what you've learned. At the same time, it is okay and beneficial to go over your notes of things you have learned in class before an exam to refresh yourself with things you know but may have forgotten.

5 (Most Important). Find a passion for something. Whether it be in a specific subject, in an extracurricular activity, or through another healthy hobby (I wouldn't necessarily call gaming healthy), find something to be passionate about. When school gets rough, moping about how rough it is never helps. Instead, allow something else you are interested in to take your mind off school for a while (or at least the more challenging subjects), and come back to it when you are calm, relaxed, and re-energized.


When all else fails, pray. ... Or be Asian. I do both.





Edited by LazaHorse
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1. Ask for assistance when you need it. This includes during class as well as after/around class time. Do not be afraid to come to your teacher's room during THEIR lunch break or grading session to ask for help on something you don't quite get (making an appointment with them ahead of time is advised).

2. Find friends to work on homework/study notes with. Go over your classes with other people in the same class in case there is a detail or explanation that you missed.

3. Re-copy your notes in a separate notebook/on your computer. Writing notes is important. Re-writing notes is almost as helpful. It will jog your memory if things you learned and even help you re-remember things you may have already missed.

4. Do not try and cram, but do freshen up what you learned before a test/quiz. Don't try and blow off learning material until it's time to test what you've learned. At the same time, it is okay and beneficial to go over your notes of things you have learned in class before an exam to refresh yourself with things you know but may have forgotten.

5 (Most Important). Find a passion for something. Whether it be in a specific subject, in an extracurricular activity, or through another healthy hobby (I wouldn't necessarily call gaming healthy), find something to be passionate about. When school gets rough, moping about how rough it is never helps. Instead, allow something else you are interested in to take your mind off school for a while (or at least the more challenging subjects), and come back to it when you are calm, relaxed, and re-energized.


When all else fails, pray. ... Or be Asian. I do both.




First of all, thanks for the advice, I appreciate it. Second, I have done what you listed in step 1 by staying after school for Geometry help, and yet I still pratically failed my last geometry test (65%). As for the other suggestions, i'll be sure to try them.

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First of all, thanks for the advice, I appreciate it. Second, I have done what you listed in step 1 by staying after school for Geometry help, and yet I still pratically failed my last geometry test (65%). As for the other suggestions, i'll be sure to try them.


For anything math or physics related, whenever I need help (not often, too Asian) I google search the topic/problem. We learn by re-doing problems that others have already solved before us. Because of that, in all likelihood the solutions are done and repeated several times by others already. Look up similar practice problems and their solutions online. For geometry, the biggest problem I had in middle school was memorizing all the theorems and postulates. There's far too many, and they're all stupidly useless to any sort of problem solving. Study them the same way you would study for Spanish/History. Flash cards, re-going over notes, and making mini-quizzes to self-test your understanding.



Edited by LazaHorse
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Khan academy for math.

Just search for what you are having issues with and you can watch a video of it and practice the problems.

The theorems you will need to memorize though.

For bio and Spanish simply use note cards and your text book. Look at the end of the chapters in your book and solve all of the reviews/practice test. (works with geometry to). Even today some of my professors get some of the questions from the chapter test and the end of my book.


If you are like me and have mild add and get distracted easily/procrastinate until the last minute then try these branhorse A+ tips.

1. Jerk off (seriously, this will calm you down) you can also get laid, but this may take longer for some people.

2. Reward yourself. (with jerking off....jk). No really think about what you need to get done. Study hard without any distractions for one hour then play either a game or jerk off/watch tv for 30 min to an hour. This is what i do now, it is much better then cramming for 4 hours straight.

3. Read your text book and while you read try to find questions. Also while reading you may find a hot picture (biology is good with this) and you can use it for later.

Bam you got an A on your test and a buff arm.

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Khan academy for math.

Just search for what you are having issues with and you can watch a video of it and practice the problems.

The theorems you will need to memorize though.

For bio and Spanish simply use note cards and your text book. Look at the end of the chapters in your book and solve all of the reviews/practice test. (works with geometry to). Even today some of my professors get some of the questions from the chapter test and the end of my book.


If you are like me and have mild add and get distracted easily/procrastinate until the last minute then try these branhorse A+ tips.

1. Jerk off (seriously, this will calm you down) you can also get laid, but this may take longer for some people.

2. Reward yourself. (with jerking off....jk). No really think about what you need to get done. Study hard without any distractions for one hour then play either a game or jerk off/watch tv for 30 min to an hour. This is what i do now, it is much better then cramming for 4 hours straight.

3. Read your text book and while you read try to find questions. Also while reading you may find a hot picture (biology is good with this) and you can use it for later.

Bam you got an A on your test and a buff arm.


Lol this made me laugh, but seriously i've used khan academy and it has helped me before. Thanks everyone for the tips!

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