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Obama won!


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In before comment saying Romney was better.

In before comment saying Romney was trash due to flip-flopping and/or running the country on mormon values.

In before Obama gets re-elected for a third term somehow.

In before assassination attempt.

In before more fake videos on people saying Obamacare something something.

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That's ignorant as balls. Nice try. As involved as Obama was in foreign policy and as involved as Mitt planned to be in foreign policy, foreign nations are VERY tuned into the election as are their peoples. South Korea for instance covered this election almost as much as it covered its own last election. The POTUS is so important to international policy, that to say other countries don't care is just unimaginable amounts of ignorance.




Also quit jocking my real faygits.




Correct. Other countries actually do care. Even while most belgian people don't care about belgian politics whatsoever (we had elections a month ago and even though we are forced to go vote by law, about 25 percent of people didn't go.) people stayed up last night to see who would win the american elections. Several television stations covered it all night (that's in the AM's for us), and same with radio stations.

But then again, we're still terribly uninformed here unless we follow politics on US websites/radio stations/television. a poll on a news paper website here asked "who would you vote for", 91 percent chose Obama. Simply cause they don't really know Mitt Romney. So many happy Belgians today lol (:



bite me, laz.
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I consider Affordable Healthcare, the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the legalization of gay marriage in many states, the death of Osama Bin Laden, and the revival of the auto industry as something being done. So sure, I'd love 4 more years of the same thing.

all these things you mentioned here are opinions or can easily be argued against..

affordable healthcare? there will still be millions that aren't covered, millions that are going to lose their current healthcare for worse (which he promised wouldnt happen), and actually health care prices will go up. But now instead of directly coming out of your pocket it comes out of 100million pockets in the form of much higher taxes. i have multiple family members who are doctors and run their own practices and have other doctor friends ect ect and they all agree how BAD this is going to be for them and the consumer. There aren't enough doctors in the US, there's a huge shortage.. then you put into effect everyone is going to run to the doctor for "Free" whenever something slight happens to them and health care is going to be severely rationed. You need an operation or youre going to die in 3 months? Don't worry, uncle sam will pay for your operation in 6months.


Don't ask, don't tell? that's such a minor issue, i don't see why someone would want hundreds of straight people (who could possibly harass them and do hate crimes, or even just cast them as an outsider) to know that they are homosexual. i personally don't have anything for or against someone being gay.. you're gay? good for you, it doesnt effect me at all, you're still a person. That was put into place to protect gays in the military from being discriminated against. now they can "come out" if they want.. okay good for them? that still doesn't change anything about the person. they do it at their own risk now.


legalization of gay marriage in many states? once again.. if youre gay and you want to get married, good for you go ahead idc it doesnt change anything about me, but this has nothing to do with obama, these are state's rights. states vote on them and state legislature makes laws on it. all the president can do is advocate for or against it. Many people have solid minds made up on the subject anyway that wont be influenced by the president..


death of osama bin laden? oh god please i can't believe you put that. That's YEARS of the intelligence community trying to track him and kill him along with the nation's military. THE ONLY THING OBAMA DID WAS SAY GO. that's it. all those men and women in government and military service are the ones that did this. ACTUALLY, obama really disappoints me because osama had been hiding in PAKISTAN (our "ally") for YEARS and he let them get away with it? REALLY? talk about spineless. he goes around apologizing for our country and giving people free stuff.. grow some balls.


revival of auto industry.. oh jeeze.. the american auto industry is still BARELY surviving in the US and is still losing billions overseas. The only company that's doing half decent in the US right now is Ford. Who knows what would have happened if they were left to fail? maybe a better company would have sprang up to replace? maybe one would have survived and become stronger. not to mention its the unions which are WAYY overpowered and greedy as fuck who bleed the auto industry dry. they're still bleeding it dry too..

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