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Why Colorado is the best!


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We get pot, you don't!


No but seriously, I am an advicator of this admendment, but not to pot. Pot is a stupid waste of time and money, but more important, it isn't THAT deadly and it draws from the legal system SO MUCH time and effort hunting down pot heads and making a fuss about it. Let em do it! Who cares! This admentment isn't going to endanger really anyone very disassosiated with the drug
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We get pot, you don't!


No but seriously, I am an advicator of this admendment, but not to pot. Pot is a stupid waste of time and money, but more important, it isn't THAT deadly and it draws from the legal system SO MUCH time and effort hunting down pot heads and making a fuss about it. Let em do it! Who cares! This admentment isn't going to endanger really anyone very disassosiated with the drug


You're not 21, so you don't get it either.

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No but seriously, I am an advocator of this amendment, but not to pot. Pot is a stupid waste of time and money, but more important, it isn't THAT deadly and it draws from the legal system SO MUCH time and effort hunting down pot heads and making a fuss about it. Let em do it! Who cares! This amendment isn't going to endanger really anyone very disassociated with the drug[/NINJA]


I like how he realizes that it is dangerous yet is advocating it. So what happens when someone who is high on pot finds a gun and decides it would be a good idea to point it at someone... yup, i knew there was a reason marijuana was prohibited....

Bad English is bad.
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I like how he realizes that it is dangerous yet is advocating it. So what happens when someone who is high on pot finds a gun and decides it would be a good idea to point it at someone... yup, i knew there was a reason marijuana was prohibited....

Bad English is bad.


The same thing that happens when someone who is drunk decides to point a gun at someone.


Or half-asleep.


Or angry.


Or young.


Or depressed.


Or suicidal.


etc... etc... etc...


You cannot generalize the negatives of marijuana with the slippery slope argument, it just doesn't hold up. There's other reasons for its illegality (some of which I support and use for my own argument against marijuana), but the slippery slope danger-to-society argument simply doesn't work.



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The same thing that happens when someone who is drunk decides to point a gun at someone.


Or half-asleep.


Or angry.


Or young.


Or depressed.


Or suicidal.


etc... etc... etc...


You cannot generalize the negatives of marijuana with the slippery slope argument, it just doesn't hold up. There's other reasons for its illegality (some of which I support and use for my own argument against marijuana), but the slippery slope danger-to-society argument simply doesn't work.




Shut up, you're not even a real horse.





Actually, reading your post I would have said pretty much that.

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Yea, I understand there are good reasons for having it. But what i consider good would be covered under medical use marijuana. The bad? There are tons and tons of different routes that one could argue/have reasons for leaving it an illegal drug, which i fallibly fell into the slippery-slope argument that everyone uses. One big reason for me against it would be anyone in the food industry. Would they be competent enough to thoroughly cook my food without giving me food poisoning? How about anyone working in a factory? I mean i could go on and on. There are occupational hazards to each and every job, and imo legalizing the drug would lead to increases in insurance costs and medical

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Yea, I understand there are good reasons for having it. But what i consider good would be covered under medical use marijuana. The bad? There are tons and tons of different routes that one could argue/have reasons for leaving it an illegal drug, which i fallibly fell into the slippery-slope argument that everyone uses. One big reason for me against it would be anyone in the food industry. Would they be competent enough to thoroughly cook my food without giving me food poisoning? How about anyone working in a factory? I mean i could go on and on. There are occupational hazards to each and every job, and imo legalizing the drug would lead to increases in insurance costs and medical



Not sure if trolling



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Yea, I understand there are good reasons for having it. But what i consider good would be covered under medical use marijuana. The bad? There are tons and tons of different routes that one could argue/have reasons for leaving it an illegal drug, which i fallibly fell into the slippery-slope argument that everyone uses. One big reason for me against it would be anyone in the food industry. Would they be competent enough to thoroughly cook my food without giving me food poisoning? How about anyone working in a factory? I mean i could go on and on. There are occupational hazards to each and every job, and imo legalizing the drug would lead to increases in insurance costs and medical


If you use it at work, you're still going to get fired. Just like if you use alcohol at work, it's grounds for termination.


I still haven't heard one valid argument with supporting evidence for the criminalization of marijuana.

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If you use it at work, you're still going to get fired. Just like if you use alcohol at work, it's grounds for termination.


I still haven't heard one valid argument with supporting evidence for the criminalization of marijuana.


Exactly for tobacco and alcohol to be legal and trees being illegal is really fucked up. Yea lets mske cigerettes things proven to kill you legal and keep weed illegal when there have been no cases of a weed related death.




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Yea, I understand there are good reasons for having it. But what i consider good would be covered under medical use marijuana. The bad? There are tons and tons of different routes that one could argue/have reasons for leaving it an illegal drug, which i fallibly fell into the slippery-slope argument that everyone uses. One big reason for me against it would be anyone in the food industry. Would they be competent enough to thoroughly cook my food without giving me food poisoning? How about anyone working in a factory? I mean i could go on and on. There are occupational hazards to each and every job, and imo legalizing the drug would lead to increases in insurance costs and medical


None of your arguments hold any ground. You could say all the same stuff about alcohol.

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Exactly for tobacco and alcohol to be legal and trees being illegal is really fucked up. Yea lets mske cigerettes things proven to kill you legal and keep weed illegal when there have been no cases of a weed related death.






I smoke weed, and even I know this is not true. There are deaths related to weed. Shootings, accidentally mixing of drugs, poisoning of the soil an many other deaths related to weed. Many of these would go away if you legalized it. Also I don't full understand what legalizing on a state level does because its still against federal law.....laz how does this work?

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I still haven't heard one valid argument with supporting evidence for the criminalization of marijuana.


Stare Decisis.


Policy of the federal government has been one of limiting something it deems to be a controlled substance. No reason that the federal government OUGHT to change that unless the nation in the aggregate decides it should be changed. In other words, the conservative argument against legalizing marijuana is more or less, "It shouldn't be legalized because it doesn't NEED to be legalized." Now that doesn't quite mean it should be ILLEGAL either.


This is more or less my opinion on it. It is detrimental for society at the same depth that alcohol is. The difference is that society perceives it to be far more detrimental than it is and alcohol to be far less detrimental than it is. Until the American voting public decides marijuana should be recreational in the same sense alcohol is (will never happen; would require overhaul of university statutes and thousands of convicts criminal histories), the decision of the federal government will and should stand at is. In other words, the educated few who realize marijuana to be less harmful than it is perceived must convince the aggregate of that. Until then, the federal government has no right to pass legislation that differs from the opinion behind the current Controlled Substances Act.


That being said, aspects of drug policy can and should be changed. Some of them being sentence appropriation, immigration involvement in drugs, and tax dollars spent on prisoners charged with drug crimes. We spend far too much policing a drug that is far too common. Until the American public understands this the way they understood prohibition, we'll likely not see the legalization of marijuana at the federal level.




I smoke weed, and even I know this is not true. There are deaths related to weed. Shootings, accidentally mixing of drugs, poisoning of the soil an many other deaths related to weed. Many of these would go away if you legalized it. Also I don't full understand what legalizing on a state level does because its still against federal law.....laz how does this work?


The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution says that any laws of the states which interfere with the laws of the federal government are overridden by the federal law. That being said, state laws are often written in such a way that loopholes can be opened where they don't "legally" overlap despite obvious "practical" overlap. In other words, replacing the word "marijuana" with the word "controlled substance" or the word "use" with the word "consumption" can easily blur the lines of overlap between laws. Also, as the Supreme Court said after Gonzales v. Raich (case I'm studying in Con Law now), in order for the overlap to be tested, a case must be brought up in court. So if it never makes it into a courtroom, the federal government won't actively go and ensure the supremacy clause takes effect. In other words, the federal government chooses to turn a blind eye to state laws unless they are clearly written to not only disagree with but DIRECTLY DEFY the federal statute.

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Exactly for tobacco and alcohol to be legal and trees being illegal is really fucked up. Yea lets mske cigerettes things proven to kill you legal and keep weed illegal when there have been no cases of a weed related death.






I smoke weed, and even I know this is not true. There are deaths related to weed. Shootings, accidentally mixing of drugs, poisoning of the soil an many other deaths related to weed. Many of these would go away if you legalized it. Also I don't full understand what legalizing on a state level does because its still against federal law.....laz how does this work?


What i meant by that was the direct smoke killing you not the aftermath of smoking and being high. And legalizing it would help the rest.



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ITT political commentary by pubescent males.


Might as well comment when it doesn't count =D


I'd look at this social mechanism/personal mechanism from an utility standpoint... what utility does it bring to the individual, the "family" (not necessarily the m/f/kids setup) and finally society. If there is more supporting evidence that it does greater utility in letting THC be legal, then there really shouldn't be any problem allowing it. (mind you special interest groups play a role in this too xD).


As far as I've read, although there are no significant negative immediate impacts on the individual, there are suggestions by multiple studies that THC plays a role in how functions in the amygdala and hippocampus are modulated/modified. Furthermore, THC has been noted to affect one's reaction time and awareness of situation on the road (herpaderp alcohol just fucks you over xD) (for example, they have a tendency to take curves too tightly or loosely). Finally, there has been a longitudinal study of 35 years showing that people that start smoking THC in adolescence loss about an average of 8 IQ points (which impacts, focus, intelligence (crystalised probably more so), attention and memory).


From a society's standpoint, if they choose to legalise it. They will have to also deal with any repercussions from legalising it as in... educating the public about its dangers (just like they do with smoking and alcohol), provide support for addicted users (don't give me the bullshit excuse that THC doesn't cause dependency, because it does... but not physiological dependency) so on and so forth.


I'm guessin' this would likely increase government spending (but probably would be a great cash cow). And finally, for comparison's sake, cannabis (THC) has a dependency lesser than cocaine, tobacco, alcohol and heroine BUT higher than LSD, mescaline, and psilocybin.


If society (government) thinks it's alright, that's their prerogative. One thing I do have to make a note: please don't shove it down the throats of people who don't give a fuck about marijuana or don't use it.


From a personal standpoint, I don't really see any personal utility myself in it. I've read that many of the positive side-effects can be helpful but I ask myself why?... I'm happy the way I am, I don't need a psychotropic to mess with how I feel and how I am. so then I reflect it to the users and say why do you use it?


As well, during my adolescent years I've spent a month or so in Unit 26 (a mental health ward) and my experience there do tell me as much as evidence suggests a correlation for mental health... there seems to be a large percentage of people that smoked marijuana now in the mental health ward for various psychological problems such as (you guessed it) depression, psychosis etc...


I was in for major depressive disorder <_<


I think it is up to societal and the individual what to think about the substance itself, but at the end of the day, this is the internet. Feel free to rage and baw because you know what, it doesn't matter. Our governments will do what they want unless people (that can actually vote) speak up.

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