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I want your Jailed Reasons


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Imprisoned for once being a CT, but you were neuralized

Imprisoned for mumbling more than Lemurian

Imprisoned for liking Sailor Moon

Imprisoned for killing lady broken's cat

Imprisoned for thinking bRoKen was lady brokens boyfriend

Imprisoned for not helping Batman out of the special prison he was in

Imprisoned for liking all the fegget stuff Lemurian likes

Edited by Lémurian
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Imprisoned for having sex with the Russian Prime Minister's daughter.

Imprisoned for not being 1337.

Imprisoned for downing a beer after downing a beer.

Imprisoned for forcing your daughter to take piano lessons.

Imprisoned for forgetting to save your game before reseting.

Imprisoned for drinking Bear Gryll's pee.

Imprisoned for giving an STD to a hooker.

Imprisoned for persuading your HMO to pay for breast implants.

Imprisoned for not taking off your shoes before entering.

Imprisoned for being naked on a wrecking ball.

Imprisoned for photo-copying your ass.

Imprisoned for being a thirsty ass hoe.

Imprisoned for not being able to lick your elbow.

Imprisoned for pushing when the door says pull.

Imprisoned for 1st degree... burns.

Imprisoned for stapling your dick to your shorts.

Imprisoned for leaving the stove on.

Imprisoned for having sex with your boss.

Imprisoned for not pulling out.

Imprisoned for Obamacare.

Imprisoned for selling corn on the street.

Imprisoned for eating Nemo in your sushi.

Imprisoned for all your base are belong to us.

Imprisoned for malpractice on your colleague.

Imprisoned for not being covered by financial aid.

Imprisoned for letting the dogs out.

Imprisoned for spamming spam.

Imprisoned for peeing on the side of the toilet.

Imprisoned for giving laxative brownies to everyone.

Imprisoned for ditching class.

Imprisoned for going to EDC without drugs.

Imprisoned for going door to door as a Jehovah's Witness.

Imprisoned for being a girl who farted.

Imprisoned for not being tall enough to ride this ride.

Imprisoned for peeing while sitting.

Imprisoned for grabbing a titty.

Imprisoned for ghost-riding the whip.

Imprisoned for not using deodorant.

Imprisoned for being a complete asshole.

Imprisoned for not liking HellsGamers on Facebook.

Imprisoned for not buying Admin.

Imprisoned for not getting the mail.

Imprisoned for trying to jumpstart a car.

Imprisoned for thinking that a Democrat was an animal.

Imprisoned for climbing Mount Everest.

Imprisoned for life.

Imprisoned for PMS'ing at work.

Imprisoned for sucking at double-dutch.

Imprisoned for the sake of mankind.

Imprisoned for not going to college.

Imprisoned for evading the draft.

Imprisoned for selling slave services on Craigslist.

Imprisoned for not accepting the terms of agreement.

Imprisoned for P2P downloads.

Imprisoned for humping someone's leg.

Imprisoned for growing a magical beard.

Imprisoned for not passing the joint.

Imprisoned for putting nyan cat in the toaster.

Imprisoned for explosive diarrhea.

Imprisoned for classified reasons.

Imprisoned for beating Tetris.

Imprisoned for being in another castle.

Imprisoned for not blowing into the cartridge.

Imprisoned for not buy her a drink.

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