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Huge Penis abuse

Cave Johnson

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Name: Huge Penis

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:27816403

What Server: Jail break

What Time: 2:20 am

Proof: http://i.imgur.com/shwlm.jpg

What Happened:

Awesome093 baited against the T's by walking into a T designated area and Huge Penis completely disregarded procedure and t-listed him even though it was his first offense for the night. Honestly hes done this in multiple occasions, disregarding procedure that is, and it makes admins look like ass holes.

Edited by mccaincracker
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irregardless of what reddevil does, or how derpy it makes the ct's look, theres a procedure in place for a reason. warn/slay/kick/ban. if reddevil wants to go ahead and t list someone into oblivion im sure its because hes got good reason other than first offense.

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i never said he tlisted him

i said he prolonged it

and my admin way should not be any of your concern

i dont care if it makes us look like complete douchebags.

i bought the admin for a simple reason.

to inforce the rules and when a certain person comes along and completly disregards all the basic ct rules that are on the motd i WILL tlist on the spot

dont know about other admins but ive seen several do that and ive never questioned their reasons

btw a pic is not enough for the sort of abuse i supposedly did

oh and btw cave just for you to see.

kimzy prolonged his tlist which justifys what i said

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lol the demo was from when i join the server

i always record

and what does it say about me? it says that i dont tolerate derp cts and espically those who are completly breaking every single rule

im going to finish my side of this argument by firmly saiying that i believe what i did was right and so does an advisor

and i will let a dl give the final word

Edited by Huge Penis
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Okay, first this sort of bickering needs to stop. Just because you don't feel the abuse report was necessary doesn't mean that the report is useless.


my admin way should not be any of your concern

Not exactly the best attitude to have when you're the one being reported. And, the way admins handle situations on the server is the concern of others. If it wasn't of concern, we wouldn't have this abuse report section.


Onto the proof, you both agreed that he was baiting. You shouldn't disregard procedure just because someone fucks up once, you should never really skip to what i'd consider the last step in the warn>slay>templock>T-list chain. Now, i'm not saying if someone fucks up hardcore you need to warn them first, but give them some leniency. I mean, for this situation (I'm not 100% sure of how bad the bait was or whatever without a demo) at most you could have skipped to maybe a 3-round templock? But even then, for someone fucking up for the FIRST time is quite unnecessary.


Ideally, i'd like for everyone's T-list history on hgbans to look something more like this

https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?sf=aid&so=is&st=0:29278475 (note most of these are bans for hacking, but most of the t-lists have reports.)

T-list being used when absolutely necessary and not just because they fuck up a few times, that's what temp-locking is for.


So, in the future Huge be more lenient with people and don't skip to the last step of the CT-Punishments. If you actually explain to the people what they're doing wrong they will be less likely to fuck shit up in the future. I mean think about it, if it's your first time on the server and someone tells you to "stop baiting" do you think they are going to understand what that means?


Reviewed, thanks.


EDIT: Didn't know there was a demo of the situation aswell. After viewing the demo it's apparent that was most likely that persons first time on the server. But i'd still like everyone to be more lenient rather than skipping to a t-list all the time. It's quite cluttering on hgbans


and cave, you've also got to understand that each time something like this happens, it's situational. I mean, if someone mass freekills it's not like we're going to say "Hey, don't mass freekill or next time you get slayed". He also added proof to the t-list report, so it's not like he doesn't take the time to make sure proper action is taken

Edited by mccaincracker
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